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Photo by Sarah Schoeneman mountain lions in new hampshire

So I did a bunch of research and all the documentation I found was there art are not any pieces of DNA of Eastern online. However the scarring on the trees did not and the angles were off. If youd like to submit a question (or send a mountain line photo) you can record it as a voice memo on your smart phone and send it, OR call our hotline, 1-844-GO-OTTER (1-844-466-8837) and leave a message. So so it is possible in Maine to still to to to have one but you have to be sort of professional handler as it were. The DNA the DNA that they were able to pull from the cat suggested that it was a dispersed mountain lion that came. Part II. I can't tell you what you saw but it sounds like a mountain lion. Caller: Well I think Patrick I recognized your name. So I hate the idea that there's some sort of upward you know downward pressure from the bosses saying Don't you know don't tell about the mountain lions because it'll scare away the tourists. Someone's got to see one they're very secretive. Lots of people have stories about them, people have them on their game cameras I mean its kind of a thing. Tonight, Sean McDonald investigates,. I live pretty much on the town line of Greenfield just a couple of miles down in the Greenfield. They sent he sent his scent those two samples with his to Wyoming an unfortunate Fish and Game Commission there did not get a positive read on it but send it back to Central Michigan University where they did a nuclear micro satellite DNA analysis and found no significant difference between that scat and other scats that were tested from the Rocky Mountain region. Get your tickets today and one for fifty dollars or six for 150 at NH PR and board. You know one of the the biggest questions I have about that is it points to how much we don't know and if in fact we don't know enough. Almost all species disperse greater distances than females. WMUR uLocal: On this trail cam video, an unidentified feline is spotted. Sam Evans-Brown: Certainly that is a thing I've heard but again you have to think of the incentives involved here. Peter Biello: We got an e-mail question from Robert in Epsom who asks are sightings or encounters with these big cats less dangerous here where they're passing through than out west where those same mountain lines might be establishing territory Rick. But before I go any further I want to say we do not have sufficient game. So I will just say this is a big reason why there have not been confirmed sightings I think is that the evidence required first. So here we have you know a very qualified biologist who who found a print took a plaster cast found a scat send it to a university. They are the same thing. Patrick Tate: Exactly I was gonna bring that up juvenile male of. Fish and Game looked into the labs to have them confirm the information in the reports which the labs did not. So I don't understand really how how this this idea came to be but it is the main reason why folks believe that fishing game is is covering up the fact that there are mountain lions in the state again with no evidence. 19 For instance, Floridas wildlife officials have a similar ghost cat: the black panther. These young males are tracking looking for mates and if they don't find a mate they just keep moving and moving and moving. Patrick Tate: So I agree with what Sam said in part that their ability to go undetected for amount of time but ultimately it was detected. It's completely possible that it may have spent time in New Hampshire and went undetected but had it stayed in the area ultimately it would have been detected over time. But are there mountain lions living in New Hampshire? Peter Biello: Yeah well what do you think Pat is. Theyve always said when we have verifiable evidence to say a mountain lion has been, is, or was in the state that wed acknowledge that and give that information out, says Pat Tate, the furbearer biologist with New Hampshire Fish and Game, who insists theres no conspiracy. Ecosystem Management Consultants of New England, Ask Sam, and recently fielded question about mountain lions, 10 things to do in NH this weekend: Dartmouth Dance, Hamilton De Holanda & more, Turkish restaurant in the Upper Valley aims to help those affected by recent earthquakes, RFK Jr. tells NH crowd hes considering a presidential run, Epping woman pleads guilty to threatening Michigan election official in 2020, We also hear excerpts from an interview with, Read about the most recent cougar "sightings". Gotcha, so the Deep State is suppressing mountain lion news in order to prop up New Hampshire tourism? John is calling from Bennington. If so that's for us as an agency. As wildlife biologists, wed be fascinated to say 'look look what was found in our state.'. Let's look for other evidence. The Lions of New Hampshire: MD44 Links. You need a permit to have that. Peter Biello: Or send us an email exchange at an HP board. We had six copies printed out each. Listeners we'd love to hear some of your thoughts on this. But I was riding a mountain bike not far from my house. N.H.'s Fish and Game department says there's no proof mountain lions live in the state, yet residents from Bedford to Berlin have been reporting sightings for years. I really really enjoyed listening to this program so thank you all very much. Yeah 13 to 15 years ago 13 to 15 years ago. So what those ranges. The best documentation we have in New Hampshire suggests there hasnt been a mountain lion killed by a hunter in this state since 1885. And that the Florida panther was more closely related to the eastern outline than the western mountain lion was. The report came in from a conservation officer. In fact, Pat Tate concedes that hes been told of sightings from folks that he considers to be very credible, very woods savvypeople who know what a bobcat looks likebut those folks have never snapped a good photo or found a good track. I'm gonna send you a letter that we researched this report and we spoke with those labs and the lab wrote in their letter to us that they could only say that Scott contained white Tea Party fur and that they could not say what deposited the scout because it's far too degraded listeners we'd love to hear from you about your mountain lion sightings if you have seen one or if you if you think you have give us a call we'd love to hear your story 1 800 8 9 2 6 4 7 7. I've actually had to walk in on one or two now and look at what was going on and figured out what was going on. Let us know your story and share your photos. Peter Biello: But clearly you know you're saying like hoaxes people who claim to have seen a mountain lion but knowingly have not or are appropriating photos taken elsewhere of legit mountain lion say out West where they people acknowledge that they exist certainly knowingly or unknowingly in this case the person who sent it to me said hey a friend of mine sent me this photo and said he took it on his back porch also. I just don't understand the mechanism for how that would happen. Not one picture of him online while the person meet with us. I mean so what what is the practical change that it would bring to New Hampshire if any. Some of the reports that I looked into that were actually on file at the local fish and game office were even from people who did not live locally. Sam Evans-Brown: Pretty well I was going to say it is nice to hear about how to identify the facial markings but probably I'd being a to identify the tracks is probably the more useful useful tool that one can have in their tool box. He shifted gears in 2016 and began producing Outside/In, a podcast and radio show about the natural world and how we use it. His work has won him several awards, including two regional Edward R. Murrow awards, one national Murrow, and the Overseas Press Club of America's award for best environmental reporting in any medium. The states never denied mountain lions are here, and theyve never admitted mountain lions are here. Peter Biello: Well Karl Jarvis a former reporter for The King's son Nile thank you very much for for calling in and sharing your perspective and to his point Patrick T. I mean yes we haven't met the scientific burden of proof here in New Hampshire as far as physical evidence is is concerned but is there room at Fish and Game For A kind of an informal nod to all of the people who have somehow convinced themselves and possibly some others that yeah there may be occasional sightings here. Caller: Hi. We're not in the woods. So if you were to ask me has a mountain lion ever passed through New Hampshire and been spotted by somebody who wasnt able to get hard evidence? Id personally be willing to say "probably, yes.". Do you get a lot of these these these things that end up being hoaxes. Caller: It had just left that field and was out. We send out DNA samples to the U.S. Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station. Sort of dropped onto the SD card of a camera he'd set up out in the wild. Peter Biello: Worth mentioning if we're scaring anybody question a mysterious mountain lions lurking perhaps in someone's backyard. And there's there's no evidence of that cat's movement in that entire you know 12 hundred miles stretch of its journey. So that did it for me. So so do what you can get to do what you can to get proof. You don't know what's going on. Rick van de Poll: Rick van de Poll so I was a non-believer as well. So you want identifiable backgrounds. Today on the exchange we discuss what residents may have been seeing and what breeding mountain lion pairs would mean for our ecosystem. Mountain Lions in New Hampshire-Fact or Fiction 3,207 views Jul 31, 2019 78 Dislike Share Save New Hampshire Fish and Wildlife 634 subscribers During my thirty-one career at the New. And I was probably about a half a mile from downtown all village on the right. Patrick Tate: I don't believe it is. So hard to know hard to refute if there's no interest in making up a story which many people of course do then I would respond the same way as Pat did. And I think this is a really interesting story for a couple of reasons one is that it proves what Pat was saying which that basically from New York state where its traces was really picked up on a game camera around Lake George all the way down to Connecticut there was numerous. Chartered 1973; Member of District 44-H; . Reviewing the evidence, the U.S. Do you want to see real, living mountain lions that do exist in New Hampshire. It's not an emerging endangered species no work no there are there are populations in specific states so the Florida panther is is an endangered species that sub population is in fact listed under the Endangered Species Act. The big cat has been extinct at least the eastern mountain lion has been extinct here since the mid 80s hundreds. N.H.'s Fish and Game department says there's no proof. There have been several sightings of mountain lions in New Hampshire recently. And so maybe before I go to you recommend I ask you Patrick Tate is the standard too high. So hey, just me shooting from the hip, maybe there are a couple mountain lions skulking about. By Eric Orff. Residents from Bedford to Berlin have been reporting sightings for years. Let's talk to Bob in Laconia Bob. So I want to start the program with a comment from someone who is not in the studio with us today. She quotes a biologist in Lyme New Hampshire who who is keeping two mountain lions himself so in the not too distant past in the early nineteen hundreds it was perhaps more common and still in Maine. And why would they what. And boy it was big it had to be at least 200 pounds the thing was you and and it just made a little bit of noise and it was gone. Sue Morse: First and foremost if you have color or if you could see details of color look at the front of the face around the Pumas muzzle the muzzle itself is pure white. Each person had their own copy and now it was identify the trees the species of tree matched. Well they are the same. And it's not really strong. Patrick Tate: And there's one other way to model that is the same animal. I believe I saw one that's fine and I'm not looking for an immediate story. 8 9 2 6 4 7 7. Like why would you want one wildlife. I had a resident in New Hampshire tell me a story of a mountain lion in the 1960s where a person who would come summer in New Hampshire and then live in a different part of the country in the winter had a trailer that was housing his mount line. Something along those lines. Peter Biello: So let's say Rick that it was confirmed that there that there are mountain lines here in New Hampshire. Peter Biello: And that will make identification for a layperson rather difficult. And so so with their limited staff and limited budget that is that is more and more limited every year because you know fewer people are buying hunting and fishing licenses. Mountain lions leave a lot of sign. Patrick Tate: I would say well when social media first started they picked up the hoaxes became much more prevalent in the last four or five years hoaxes have died down completely. Sam Evans-Brown: Well this might be a good moment to talk about hoaxes. Think you've seen a mountain lion. Peter Biello: Yeah some of what she was saying sounds like it would require getting pretty close or at least having a nice zoom lens right Sam like. People were calling the New Hampshire Fish and Game director's office saying why are you dragging your feet on this. Caller: It had to be a mountain lion convinced I was about 30. And I just said I saw I saw they from behind the shoulder all the way past the long tail. You know I think it's there's a lady Holly Ernst out in California who has done a lot of the genotyping of mountain lions in Northern California the ones that are of course most people have heard about taking down hikers bikers etc. There'd be there'd be all sorts of you know basically a lot of hassle required if that were to happen. So maybe a good pet for you but not for your neighbor if you just stop by unannounced. Want to report a Mountain Lion sighting in New Hampshire? Email exchange it an HP fraud org or give us a call 1 800 8 9 2 6 4 7 7. Its actually fairly reasonable to believe that mountain lions do, at least, pass through occasionally. My wife and I saw a mountain lion. As far as I could tell there was a positive DNA sequence coming from the scat sample Patrick. NHFG Wildlife Biologist Patrick Tate identifies this cat as a bobcat. But my experience was that the majority of these accounts could not be taken lightly. Rick van de Poll: Rick your thoughts. People have asked me about the genetics of eastern mountain lion.

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