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Photo by Sarah Schoeneman angela delvecchio today

Were you bullied and had to defend yourself and going by that with Bernadette? And whenever she went to that parking lot to say that she admired Kirsten, thats probably the reason why she said her friend Got weird. I would have gotten weirded out too if my friend addmitted that she thought that I was perfect, pretty, and good at everything. Angela is shown to wear a white shirt, a blue vest and a blue skirt with brown hair. She did to, and Bernadette had fun with us as well. Those girls wouldnt allow you in their groups in classes, they would exclude you as an earlier article stood. Well based on the movie, Kristen came off as a total snob and bully. Whether the murder was premeditated or not, no one can really determine that, still a young girl died at the hands of Bernadette Protti, and Bernadette will have to live with that the rest of her life. I understand wanting to have what your friends have. I dealt with it so I know. Whats been done has been done. God calls people home not Bernadette. Thisb isnt about Columbine, its about the Kirsten Costas case. If Bernadette respected Kirstens feelings, she would have left Kirsten alone when she fled Bernadettes car and wouldnt have stalked her to her house. Kirsten Ill admit she wasnt in favor with stupid acting people and had zero tolerance for them, (as did I). Maybe they were misunderstood, I didnt hate any of them, I just got the feeling they looked down on me, and didnt feel as though I belonged. I never seen her make fun of anyone, of course, I wasnt around her that much, but she was friendly and nice. You obviously are very contradicting since from gathering what the Hollywood movie has told you if Kirsten was truly a witch, then, Bernadette was a bigger idiot since she wanted to befriend such a person to begin with. Kirstens future was right there in front of her staring her in the face, like the prom, graduation and deciding what College she would of been going to and getting married and having Children. She was tried, convicted, and sentenced to a max of nine years, but onlyserved seven years of her time before she was released on parole, to which theCostas family, who eventually relocated to Hawaii,vehemently objected. Now that you know, have fun looking around! Why deliberately refrain from giving examples if she could have been accused of first degree murder? Even if Kirsten was stuck up and a Bully! She's the only backyard kid with a pitching rating of 10, and she does not disappoint. No Tori Spellings character in a fictionalized movie was a bit mean. Yes. Bernadette pushed her by her false Alibies. I think its time to move forward and put this whole horrible deal behind you cause life is way to short. It weirded Kirsten out. The future is right around the corner, its a waste to go after someone cause the law didnt do their job. This makes sense since shows like Beverly Hills 90210 were all the rage. This girl lives in San Francisco and knows a person who knows someone who knew Kirsten. I do believe she had some she didnt like, (but who didnt)! Like I said, Ms.Stuff, D and Beauty and the Beast, today could be the Life of the Party if they wanted to be. Who are you to tell the judge what to say or do at that time? She was snooty to or maybe just misunderstood. It doesnt matter why and there are no excuses to take another persons life unless its to protect your own or your families . Lol the people saying bernadette was better looking and Kristen had it coming, oh boyhoping your not the ugly neighbor living on my block and lurking in my bushes. Girls, women at any age can be so horrible. Shes grown up a lot and isnt the same teen girl she use to be. In order to get into the Bobbies you had to have money. Cause Kirsten was friends with most people who were (popular) and Bernadette wanted to be included in that so badly.. I wouldnt have either. Bernadette Protti is believed to have changed her name, gotten married (causing her last name to change again), and became a nurse and medical journal author in suburban Dallas (Grapevine TX). The profesors are going home and the parents are at work all day and dont have a time for kids, so what do you expect from society like that. There were several bullied as I said before. The whole movie seems based on stuff Bernadette said and from her point of view which is a bit unfair. Bernadette lived in a bigger house than Kirsten, and family had just as much money as the Costas family, if not more. Kirsten was one to always have fun, Was Orinda elite, yes, but they had a lot of wonderful people there to, and they helped one another. She didnt want to be bothered with her either. Do you really think its acceptable to lure someone out of their house under false pretences and then expect a positive reaction if your lie is discovered? In 1984, California's Miramonte High School cheerleader and all-around popularteen, Kirsten Costas, was murdered by her classmate Bernadette Protti, who was not only jealous of Kirsten's high-profile life but bitter and resentful that she took did not get picked for cheerleading or the yearbook committee. Man you all just know Kirsten a small World. She wasnt the Lonely girl with one friend, had Plenty of friends, was about as Popular as Kirsten was, just didnt see it. She couldnt careless about Orinda to start with let alone go back there. Angela Delvecchio is an Italian-American character in the Backyard Sports series. Kids no one wants to be around, play alone at recess, those are the kind we avoided. Angela Delvecchio-Hall is on Facebook. Stuck up she was, no Bully. Kirsten had a good heart though. It was a strange time growing up around religious freaks. About seventeen years ago, Arthur and Berit Costas moved from Oakland to Orinda seeking a beautiful, safe community with good schools. What a bizarre story. By education I mean an all-round drawing out of the best in the child and man; body, mind and spirit. ~ Mahatma Gandhi. Nickname: Sugar Pop. Shame on you. lmao. All teen gals are (snotty) for the most part, but grow out of it. I think Kirsten was friends with Bernadette or she would of never gotten in her car, Kirsten was funny who she associated with. So Mats Bernadette was Sweet. For Industry Professionals. Kirsten was one of the winners. I am shocked to even read that some people think this 15 year old girl deserved to die because she could be a little snobby at school, I personally would prefer my children to be friends at school with a snobby girl than a cold blooded killer! Required fields are marked *. Berit and Bob Costas live in Hawaii. She had friends to, some were Bernadettes, and they dont care to hear from or about Bernadette anymore. Who cares about that, that is no reason to be lured from your own home and murdered by a psycho. The bullying, the lies, the jealousy and competition is so toxic and they will murder your soul. Lets make it a great Memorial for Kirsten. They were all fun gals to be around. Dont care how mean Kirsten was, that was uncalled for, you that defend Bernadette saying Kirsten was mean girl, do you realize Kirsten is gone forever, and will never be back, do you realize Bernadette took a Life! You are here. I dont think she was any worse than any other teenage girl by any means. We all have someone we dont like. In swimming pools she would practice tumbling, one friend told about it, she would dive in the water and do back flips. Lots of her classmates are out of State and moved on, maybe you all should as well, Bernadette isnt even around, leave her alone, the past is gone its not coming back ever. they all were, taking a life is unacceptable and inexcusable. So those who say she was a real mean girl, dont know, cause I heard differently. Kirsten was almost identical to that, no like Tori Spelling. Kirsten was just trying to find her way like we all were in a snobby, competitive crappy little town through the Caldecott tunnel. People who grew up in Orinda and say its snobs were mostly people who werent socially accepted growing up, and they made choices that others didnt make and cussed and talked dirty and skipped school and always in trouble, and hung out with outcasts, and they became outcasts by association. I attended school in New York City and there are nothing but cliques. I think you take things way to personal like Bernadette did, I believe MissKiwi Bernadette took things so serious that it became serious and a fatal obsession. The knife was her sisters for making lunch it was even in the movie that way. Kirsten May of been Stuck up and Caddy, most teen girls are, but she got along with almost everyone, she got along with Bernadette at first, till Bernadette kept trying to be her friend. She was full of life. Protti lured Costas from her home with a false story about a party, to which the wanna-be would give her pretty friend a ride. To much at stake in the World than to be worrying about something that happened decades ago. Its patent that Bernadette had built-up animosity towards Kristen. In your dreams Bernadette was better looking! We all had enemies and faults and all teen girls are Caddy and mean at some point, no reason to die, they outgrow it in adulthood, most do anyways, some never do. We all have someone we dont like, and we wont be liked by everybody. She wanted to, but decided not to go through with it. Im sure she dont really like Bernadette, and she wouldnt go out to dinner with her, or have her over for dinner or go places with her, and welcome her with open arms. She was to busy of a girl. It was on the Murder still haunts Moraga Residents. As for LF aka LP she just disappeared off the map somehow. I never imagined she would literally kill Kirsten, cause Bernadette was so quiet and her demeanor said nothing about her being a killer at all. She didnt Bully Bernadette, Just was irritated cause she lied to her, and her mom about the Party, and all. Shes pretty much out of the picture, her YouTube gets messages from (Kirsten from Heaven) thats sick whoevers doing that. When they opened the door, they saw Kirsten and, behind her, another girl, who looked about fifteen, lurking out the path.. The girl that stole her life from her shouldve never been released from prison. She slaughtered a girl. Word was that girls were safe because raping a girl is irresponsible and could get them fired because girls could get pregnant and priest need to bring money in, not pay out for 18 years. Smoking and cussing that is mostly the ones that were disliked. lifetime Death of a Cheerleader - What Happened to Angela Delvecchio? Find out more here. I know this because I was there in the same class of Kirsten and Bernadette. She could be mean, in fact, I could see her getting mean before I could see Kirsten. We had honor students who were kind of poor, but we loved them, and learned from them. its very frustrating when the characters are not truly depicted in an accurate manner. Kirsten wasnt a Bully. Can you give examples of Kirsten degrading others and thinking she is better than everyone? She looked like a nice person that had a good life ahead of her. If shed been bullied by Kirsten, seems like shed have told it in detail. Youre not now Bullying a dead girl, makes you worse than her, you will be the one to Answer for it, not her, she already has, Bernadette sure isnt any Angel shes a Cold Blooded Killer, dont care what her reasons are, she is the Bully, and Kirsten is the Victim. It shows what a shallow, loser, she was. She wasnt a fan of ( stupidity) by any means at all. Im not arguing with and dont mean to appear hostile and wouldnt have bothered replying until I read that you are suggesting that you all (which I suppose includes me) sound like the people you are gossiping about. There is absolutely no justifying what she did and if you feel justifiedthen at the core, you are the problem, not the pretty, popular girl. As I said, Kirsten was Conceited, and Stuck up, but not no Bully. Angela Delvecchio's Rating . Kirsten May of had moments and been a Stuck up person, but that dont Justify murdering her. Nothing exotic on the photos Ive seen. Im irritated. I guess Bullying Justifies Murder, the way youre putting it, Kirsten is the real Vicitm, not Bernadette. If so, sweetie I want to meet you. Bernadette will loose it again if she lost it once. So Mats read the Definition Sweet, it doesnt line up,with Murder. Kirsten was, and classmates mostly said she was a free fun spirit with a big heart and love for life. Thats a different situation, no one liked those other kids as well. She didnt bully, but she told people how she felt. The school was a freak show. You that said Kirsten was mean, dont know her, or anything about her. Bernadette then stalked Kirsten all the way to her house, ambushed her from behind with a 15/18 inch knife, inflicted Kirsten with two two foot wounds down her back and continued to stab Kirsten when she was suffering on the ground with her wounds. Im sure she does, look at her life, and where shes been, and how the media harasses her, not saying she dont deserve it, which she does, but if she is sick, then leave her alone. Angela Delvecchio is a married woman who resides in Portland, Oregon with her husband and their child at the present time. WOW MIRANDA, IT SOUNDS LIKE YOU MIGHT HAVE A TRIGGER TOO. She was happy go lucky mostly, she only had a couple (she didnt like), we all have someone we do t get long with. I wasnt crazy about Kirsten Carrie, Christine and the rest, I knew how She may of been Stuck up most Cheerleaders are, but she was no where near a Bully or made fun of people. Dylan and Eriks parents were loaded. On the day of the event, Protti lied to Costas about having a party at her house in order to get him to leave her residence. Kristen had it well deserved in response to someone else, which suggests that you think her cruel murder was justified. It just became a War between the 2 which one was better, and Kirsten was, and Bernadette wanted to be, and Kirsten was in her way. Bernadette was Shady then, shady now. Kirsten always showed off her cheers, she was proud. Kirstens house was Smaller than Bernadettes, how was Kirsten all around was she friendly? RELATED: Heroes: How Saving The Cheerleader Saved The World (It's Not What You Think. Protti legally changed her name and departed to another location to start a new family following the traumatic incident. Nope! I cant assimilate anyone on the appearance to defend a so-called bullying. All; Titles; TV Episodes; Celebs; . Cause Bernadette was so obsessed with Kirsten liking her, she had some idea it was Bernadette, also Bernadette owned a Pinto same make as the car seen speeding away. I have to agree some, I was there, Kirsten was Cocky at times, no means a Bully just self absorbed. So yes Kirstens friends still get together at times, but they dont discuss Bernadette or the death of Kirsten, as a matter of fact,( they dont want it brought up at all). I was shy, empathetic and depressed. That leaves only the knife and whether its true or not a witness corroborated the girls account. Angela Delvecchio now lives in Portland, Oregon, with her husband and kid. Some 86 graduate girls felt ridiculed and belittled by them as well as I did and others. I admit that 7 years was a bit brief but thats how it is when youre underage. You are full of it. They made that clear and so did she Every single day. Read the article, read more on the actual case, stop judging real people based on a low-budget lifetime movie. Missy didnt start fights just stood her ground. I disagree with you. Whoever wrote this article is not being honest. The Costases raised two children: Kirsten and her younger brother, Peter. She was friendly, but kind of Arrogant as well. She had plenty of friends like in the film who loved her, but she cared only about superficial things, and people. B was a Psycho and always will be. Like I said, Kirsten was so much fun. Honestly! Those girls like Chris she hung with has changed, theyre not like they were in school, Kirsten would of changed also as she got older. I dont believe Kirsten was a Bully. But unfortunately for her all she was taught was whats the best material Possessions, popularity and the look at me attitude. Her BFF said the same exact thing abour Kirsten This type of case just proves what can happen when bullies go too far. That wasnt right, but when you run loose people think youre asking for it. Was there 1 or 2 girls blamed for the Murder? I hear one girl partied a lot that hung with them. Setting up a fake meeting and lying about a Party is Strange and Weird. She refused to. Others didnt want any part of them cause Orinda kids want to be liked and accepted, and if you hang out with kids who arent you make yourself and outcast to. View Angela Delvecchio results in New York (NY) including current phone number, address, relatives, background check report, and property record with Whitepages. Bernadette chased her. Its possible they forgave her and moved on. Bernadette had plenty of friends who loved her. No , then its gona be she was mental ill and forgotten forever yes? She was friends with my sister, came around our house a few times. She apparently moved again and left the medical field, probably because her real name and location was outed by amateur internet detectives. All. i feel sorry.for any poor sap who has to live in her neighborhood because like the investigator wisehart said she has a hidden trigger that anyone can pull just by not giving her what she thinks she.should get in a relationship. A lot of murder cases they get s light sentence or aquitted, but they also get harassed by the public and media so they dont get off all the way, the media torments them. homely? Bernadette was just as nice as we were on swim team together growing up. Several girls in Interviews said they didnt want to be found cause there years at Miramonte wasnt the best. To suggest that Kirsten deserved what happened to her because she didnt appreciate the fact that Bernadette lied to her to get her out of her house under the pretence of a bobbies initiation dinner, is very, very sick and evil and I hope for the sake of others around you that you are on some sort of medication because you appear to have issues. I heard Kirsten was self absorbed, but no bully. If Kirsten was going to out Bernadette she would of told Alex Arnold all about her. I think both girls were good girls, and I think one just got frustrated over a fake invitation, and I do believe Bernadette made a (butt) of herself to Kirsten, and it was all Kirsten could take. [5] He thought that he was witnessing a fistfight, but in fact Protti had stabbed Costas five times with a butcher knife and fled. Others are not so lucky. Kirsten didnt like people who acted (Dumb) or got into trouble and cause trouble. It gave me the creeps. She was also shown to be a self-centered and cruel bully, with her main target for harassment being Goth student Monica Whitley. Bernadette fit in fine and lived in a lovely area. Thats a win win. She is Crazy obviously, has enough problems and has to deal with murdering Kirsten and that doesnt help. I guess that makes their daughter better than anybody elses. Lots of Students had to seek Counseling that year over all this. Also there Was another girl who went out with the football team and accused them all of raping her, not the entire team, but several players and I hear she was ran out as well and dogged by the Students. Following a conversation with an FBI agent who informed her that her arrest was imminent and that they knew that she had killed Kirsten, Protti wrote her mother a letter in which she made a full confession. (207) 288-8449. Hard to comprehend how this Bernadette flew into a rage and savagely murdered her classmate. How was the judge stupid when first of all the evidence didnt show or prove 1st degree murder then secondly that was the law at the time? But I dont remember hearing or learning about it until many years later. Bernadette was far out of line I agree. Most teen girls are smart alecky and mean. Kirsten wouldnt give you the time of day especially if you werent in her (group). I knew both gals. You are right, (Kirsten didnt really bully Bernadette) around a friend she would throw ice at Bernadette, and tease her to show off in front of thier friend, (but girls will be girls). Bernadette only got in that Exclusive Club cause a friend who had pull nominated her. I bet she finally became an outcast fro supporting Bernadette. Bernie has a sweet melancholy. You are lying. Kirsten understandably didnt appreciate the fact that she was lured out of her house under false pretences, so she left Bernadettes car. She mostly liked everybody. There is no way Bernadette is better than Kirsten. Dont let this Corona Virus stop you? Maybe LP doesnt want to be the Life of the party. If it hadnt have been for Bernadettes confession, this case probably would remain unsolved. I pray Bernadette is repayed and rewarded by the Blessed Trinity for the horrendous act towards the Costas. But you are not making her case by behaving like a bully yourself. Please make an appointment with your councilor at school and discuss this with him or her Home Faculty and Staff Directory All Faculty Angela J Delvecchio. An example that shows that Bernadette didnt have respect for Kirstens family and shows how detached Bernadette was from killing Kirsten was that she appeared to have no inhibitions about attending Kirstens funeral. There have been a couple people in my youth that I thought were extremely mean to me. Even a Mother of one of her friends said, Kirsten was like a Puppy and hugged people,,not exclusive and liked everyone. Call Angela S Delvecchio on phone number (207) 288-5119 for more information and advice or to book an appointment. She said Bernadette was kind of Snooty also. I dont care what anyone says to another person, it does not give you the right to kill them. A couple of them did, Bern just looked the other way. Commuting time shrinks to twenty-five minutes in a BMW, the most popular car at Miramonte High School, where students scores are consistently among the highest on Californias state achievement tests. Note: ClickAmericana.com features authentic historical information, and is not intended to represent current best practices on any topic, particularly with regard to health and safety. She didnt hate anyone. But that has about a millionth of a percent chance of ever happening. In fact, one ofthe stars of that hit show, Tori Spelling, had the lead in the filmas the beautiful and popular cheerleader "Stacey" who is stabbed to death. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Bernadette should of gotten 25 to life for that Crime. As DNA testing isthego-to for TV cops,Olivia Benson would have had Angela in cuffs by the end of the next school day. Its not about them, its all about Kirsten who,was,robbed of her life, and robbed from her family. They were rich. She cared about people and if she thought she hurt someones feelings she would try and talk to them, we all make mistakes. Why are you contradicting yourself? Kirsten, who had just finished her sophomore year at Miramonte, had started to change social circles back in junior high, recalls her good friend Diane MacDonald. Does it make you feel good to knowingly lie about a dead murdered girl? The Judge felt sorry for her, and felt that the Community was using her trial as entertainment purposes and amusement. If she was mad, she should of just beat the crap out of Kirsten, not kill her. Cant see her making fun of anyone. Kirsten was the energy of the house, says her mother. She doesnt leave her house hardly at all anymore. Bernadette was/is just a mental case. Im sorry if I offended anybody here with my earlier comments. But for the most part Kirsten got along with mostly everyone. I have always treated others the way I want to be treated. The day after the murder in June 1984, rumors had already spread at the tennis courts, down oak-shaded lanes and at poolside. Nancy was Sweet, she just took things the wrong way. Parents sign an agreement to spend $500 to pay for green and white uniforms and cheerleading camp. Bernadette was popular to, she was just wanting to be Kirsten, and Kirstens approval meant so much to us all, Kirsten didnt have anything against Bernadette till that fateful night, She never cared either way, Bernadette took it so serious and it became (serious) and fatal. In PEOPLE, the article stated that Bernadette feared hurting her family by leaving them behind: If I kill myself, I will hurt people even more (my family). [13 May 1985, Arthur Lubow] I think its also safe to assume that her Catholic faith played a part in her decision. Thier homecoming Queen was friendly and always spoke to people. Tori spelling who actually played Kristen Costas was so incredibly unlikable on screen that she almost felt as though she deserved what she got. I didnt kill them. You have no one to blame but yourselves for being unnattractive, fat, disliked, broke loserswhatever your issues are. If Bernadette isnt depressed it would be a Miracle. She couldnt give any more examples because there was no more examples which is why there is still no clear reason why she killed Kirsten. I think she made a pass and got rejected. (207) 288-5119. What about its about time, the one who knew Kirsten? I got the impression they were both Stuckup ( Bernadette and Kirsten) they were friends to. That Saturday evening, Kirstens parents and brother left to attend a potluck dinner for Peters Little League team. Guys just didnt really notice her. Basically ,she liked everybody. There was no teasing and ostracisation. Being disgusted with the the murderers nonchalant behaviour after her brutal crime? My friend was a friend of hers. If Kirsten wanted to smoke pot, Bern would of esp. Some of these girls ( not Nancy or Joanna) acted like Hoes, and ppl dont take kindly to that. And Im sure Ms.Stuff and D and Beauty and the Beast are probaly still today If they want to be. Adventurous, bold and incredibly attractive to look at. I do believe she called Bernadette weird and threatened to expose her weirdness. [3] At the Costas home, Arnold, sitting in his car, saw Protti attack Costas. She is a Sociopath. So was PC, DM, LP and Kirsten. I just hear she stays mostly to herself and dont see much of former classmates. Kirsten was a true Social Butterfly, always joking with others, talking with others, We werent friends but I liked Kirsten and all those girls. Bernadette was and most likely still is a highly disturbed individual. No more Bernadette has a point. As for the Shoes one time comment. Karen, it wasnt about Bullying, it was over jealousy issues. Bernadette lived in a wealthier area than Kirsten. You are a sick minded individual to perpetuate that lie about Kirsten, but I suppose its easier for you and your ilk to criticize a dead teenager because she its not like she can defend herself, is it? Yes. Angela DelVecchio, APRN, FNP MDI Hospital 10 Wayman Lane Bar Harbor, ME 04609 207 288-5081 At Mount Desert Island Hospital, we provide comprehensive care for you and your family through our hospital in Bar Harbor and a network of health centers across Mount Desert Island. Like you said, she is paying for it and has been for years. My Son was Murders in a drug deal gone wrong. Too bad Bernadette WAS a pathetic psychopathic freak. LP was a lot like Kirsten. That could hurt much more than death. I know there were Bogus postings from Kirstens classmates. Excuse my long reply. Shame on you Bernadette what you did was morose, and against your entire religion and you stabbed Kirsten to death. Kirsten wasnt a bully at all. To much detailed stuff if you ask me. One girl she got mad at for saying stupid stuff around her and embarrassing her. Not a plaine jane.get real. She was then driven to an empty car- park at night and was justifiably angry with Bernadette over it. Kirsten was the life of the party. She dont remember her incidents, others embarrassed themselves by wanting to be the center of attention. One was transferred there because of problems with boys. How do you know she was mean? Karen I believe on that fateful night In The car Bernadette was pushing a friendship was was adamant and persistent about it. They are Cat Mean. Who is Ms Bunch? I dont even think she was there when that all went down. I hear Bernadette was Snooty also as Snooty as Kirsten. I dont care if she was only 15, murder is murder and she should have been locked away for far longer. She could block it out of her mind (her words). I know some fragile ppl, and theyd kill themselves before someone else.

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