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Photo by Sarah Schoeneman extraordinary humans muscles transcript

https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.1001871.s017. For us humans, the things that make one different from someone else can be as simple as hair color, eye color, or height. After 30 seconds of vortexing and 15 min of centrifugation at 4C, 300 l, the aqueous phase was transferred to an ultrafiltration tube (Millipore). "The Strength of Great Apes and the Speed of Humans." 63. Thanks for watching, please subscribe for more videos.NGC investigates the science of muscle by taking us on a journey inside the bodies of two remarkable humans with startling genetic conditions. In each species, we examined metabolite concentrations in three brain regions, prefrontal cortex (PFC), primary visual cortex (V1), and cerebellar cortex (CBC), as well as in the kidney cortex and thigh skeletal muscle of 14 adult healthy individuals (Table S1). The rows show numbers and percentage of changes on different evolutionary lineages: the human (human) and chimpanzee (chimp.) For more information about PLOS Subject Areas, click Every waking moment his . (b) Numbers of metabolite peaks differentiating humans, chimpanzees, and macaques subjected to environmental condition 1 (C1: physical activity deprivation), and macaques subjected to environmental condition 2 (C2: high nutrition and physical activity deprivation) from the control macaques in any of the five tissues (t-test, p<0.01). Metabolites were extracted from the frozen tissue powder by 1 ml methanol containing 20 M each of L-Methionine sulfone (WAKO: 502-76641), 2-Morpholinoethanesulfonic acid, monohydrate (DOJINDO 349-01623), and sodium d-camphor-10-sulfonic acid (WAKO: 037-01032). Get ready for liftoff: Today's special edition of CNN 10 is taking you up, up and away as we focus on space. Pathways not containing enzymes with matching expression profile are indicated by lighter shades of red and blue. Thus, differences in fiber-type composition between humans and nonhuman primates are not likely to explain the extensive metabolic divergence, as well as difference in strength, observed in our study. Organization of the Table is analogous to Table S14. a branch of psychology concerned with Back in 2011, we got one of the best food documentaries. The ratios are based on metabolite peaks from all datasets. Is the Subject Area "Macaque" applicable to this article? So showcasing arts and culture and the talent. Double homeobox 4 (DUX4) is an early embryonic transcription factor whose expression in the skeletal muscle causes facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD).Despite decades of research, our knowledge of FSHD and DUX4 biology is incomplete, and the disease has currently no cures or targeted therapies. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. diving. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.1001871.g004. Extraordinary Humans: Muscles Dystonia 1. Most of the clusters contained metabolite concentration profiles specific to a given tissue (Figure S5). The Big Problem With Well-Endowed Men. Metabolic measurements were accompanied by the measurements of the expression of enzymes using RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) in a subset of 120 tissue samples. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Step 2: Choose the video for your lesson. NGC investigates the science of muscle by taking us on a journey inside the bodies of two remarkable humans with startling genetic conditions. internal standards; KEGG, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.1001871.s030. Their homes are extraordinary. RT of a peak in all samples within the range of 2 min around the median RT of this peak. Ships from and sold by Amazon.com. The Table shows: (1) all pathways; (2) pathways that contain at least one enzyme showing species-specific expression pattern that matches the concentration profile of the pathway metabolites; (3) pathways in which metabolites and enzymes with matching species-specific concentration and expression profiles are directly linked in KEGG annotation; (4) pathways showing significant overrepresentation of enzymes with matching species-specific expression profiles either directly or indirectly linked with pathway metabolites. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.1001871.s025. Moreover, exposure to altered environmental conditions over a longer time span could result in more pronounced changes. Studies demonstrating a connection between aerobic exercise and cognitive performance in humans of different age indicate that these two organs might be metabolically related [21]. The coloring of the profiles corresponds to the coloring in Figure 2a. Concentration levels, p-values and annotation of the peaks shown in the Figure are listed in Table S7. In muscle, functional units partially overlapped and reflected human-specific changes in: (i) carbohydrate metabolism (propanoate metabolism, pentose and glucuronate interconversions, glycolysis/glucogenesis); (ii) energy production (oxidative phosphorylation); and (iii) amino acid metabolism (histidine, -alanine metabolism) (Figure 4a, Table S15, Figure S11). Each programme follows the lives of people with a rare medical condition and/or unusual ability.People featured have or had rare illnesses such as rabies and eye cancer. Columns represent metabolites showing species-specific concentration profiles in PFC; rows represent KEGG pathways enriched in the respective metabolites. 31-year old Jason Dunn lives with Dystonia, a rare disease that causes his brain to send faulty messages to his muscular system. The cutoffs are indicated above the respective part of the Table, the p-Values are corrected for multiple testing. First, we learned about how muscles work. No, Is the Subject Area "Enzyme metabolism" applicable to this article? Feb 11 2021. Notably, this observation contrasts with evolutionary divergence at the transcriptome level where overall transcriptome divergence largely follows genetic distances in all tissues (Figure S14). Thank you and soon you will hear from one of our Attorneys. analysis of variance; AU, This set was narrowed down to the identified molecules in further functional analysis. positive mode liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry; NICHD, From a total set of tissue samples used in metabolite measurements, we selected, based on the RNA preservation, a subset of six samples from each species and each tissue (120 samples in total) for the analysis of gene expression. Thus, metabolite concentration differences among tissues could be confirmed by expression-level differences in corresponding genes, and these metabolite concentration differences represent some of the known functional properties of the tissues. All clusters contained metabolic changes enriched in specific pathways (permutation p<0.01), many of them associated with known tissue-specific functions (Table S5). As a result, his muscles flex out of his control, and his body twists into unusual positions. How does their daily life look like? (c) PCA plots for each of the five tissues: muscle, kidney, PFC, CBC and V1. Also followed: a 41-year-old man with spinal muscle atrophy, which has caused his muscles to wither away. The normalization was performed on groups of samples belonging to the same tissue, an approach that was selected out of several other methods [25] according to normalization-quality measures of peak variation within samples of the same tissue and species. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany, Affiliations The columns represent metabolite peaks; the rows represent 190 tissue samples sorted by species and tissue identity. garbage disposals is something normal. Box 4666, Ventura, CA 93007 Request a Quote: taurus 1911 45 acp extended magazine CSDA Santa Barbara County Chapter's General Contractor of the Year 2014! Each tissue sample was of approximately 100 mg of weight and was extracted from the frozen postmortem tissue on dry ice without de-freezing. Current Anthropology. The control samples listed in this Table represent macaques kept in the same conditions as all other macaques used in main experiment, and are age-matched with condition 1 and condition 2 individuals. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.1001871.s004. Peaks showing significant difference (t-test p<0.01, permutation p<0.01) in condition 1 or condition 2 samples and showing the same direction of change in the human samples (elevated or decreased) were classified as affected by environmental change in condition 1 or condition 2, respectively. The numbers represent the percentage of overlapping metabolites among all metabolites detected in the dataset, with the ratio of human-specific to other species-specific metabolites among the overlapping ones in parentheses. Physiological processes that maintain our tissues' functionality involve the generation of multiple products and intermediates known as metabolitessmall molecules with a weight of less than 1,500 Daltons. RIN, RNA Integrity Number. Our results suggesting a major difference in muscular strength between humans and nonhuman primates provide one possible explanation for this phenomenon. Genomic and gene expression surveys have demonstrated how comparative studies of humans and closely related primate species can lead to identification of evolutionarily, physiologically, and medically relevant features characteristic of humans [1],[2], including changes related to metabolism [3]. 31-year old Jason Dunn. ), and the lineage connecting the common ancestor of humans, chimpanzees, and macaques with mice (mouse). Peak smoothing (nine data points) and alignment were performed within msPeak for each mass trace separately using peak spread and peak gap to neighboring peaks. Up to three of the best results per individual are shown. Similarly, significant agreement between metabolite concentration and enzyme expression profiles was seen on the macaque evolutionary lineage for tissues containing large numbers of macaque-specific metabolic changes: V1, kidney, cerebral cortex, whole brain, and skeletal muscle. The overlap with human-specific metabolite concentration changes was determined as an overlap of environment-induced changes in a given tissue, and metabolite concentration differences showing the same direction (elevated or decreased) in this tissue in the human samples as compared with the control macaques. Without the corset on, her waist comes in at a little over 53 centimeters. The asterisks indicate the highest silhouette values observed for 19 clusters. Extraordinary Humans Documentaries medicine disease health medicine Favorite trailer magnet YEAR: 2010 | LENGTH: 4 parts ( 46 minutes each ) | SOURCE: NATGEO description: National Geographic explores the science behind bones, blood, muscles, and skin. Go to ed.ted.com and click "register" in the right upper corner. To further deepen our understanding of metabolite concentration changes accompanying recent human evolution, as well as to shed light on the general dynamics of metabolome evolution, we conducted a comprehensive metabolome survey across five tissues of humans, chimpanzees, rhesus monkeys, and laboratory mice based on over 10,000 metabolic compounds. The negative sign of this difference corresponds to lower concentration levels in humans (shown in blue in Figure S10), while positive sign corresponds to higher concentration levels in humans (shown in red in Figure S10). Daniel Lieberman's Edge Bio Page. cerebellar cortex; CE-MS, CA License # A-588676-HAZ / DIR Contractor Registration #1000009744 peaks present at the level of 10,000 AU in 50% of samples of any particular species and tissue. The size of the symbols is proportional to the individual's age normalized by the maximal life expectancy of the species: humans: 120 years, chimpanzees: 60 years, macaques: 40 years. One of them is Jason Dunn, a 35 year old guy that lives with Dystonia, a rare disorder causing his brain to send faulty messages to his muscular system. Slate podcast transcripts are created by Snackable using machine-learning software and have not been reviewed prior to publication. Which type of muscle(s) does Dystonia affect? Among reads that mapped to an exon and exon junction, those with higher scores were kept. How can the various forms of dystonia occur? The colors represent 13 metabolite clusters colored according to the tissue-specificity of the cluster concentration profiles: shades of red indicating brain-specific clusters, shades of blue: muscle-specific, and shades of green: kidney-specific clusters. To facilitate functional analysis of metabolites showing species-specific concentration profiles in different tissues and KEGG pathways with significant overrepresentation of these metabolites, we grouped pathways according to shared metabolites into functional units. We performed hierarchical clustering with complete linkage of metabolite peaks. Genes showing differences in expression level in a particular species tissue compared with all other species in the same tissue, within the upper or lower 5% quintile of the difference distribution, were classified as species-specific in a given tissue. Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences, Section of Human Physiology, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, Affiliation A set of 1091 human skeletal muscle cDNA clone inserts representing more than 800 human gene transcripts were spotted as PCR products at high density on nylon membranes. Nevertheless, the 2 months' exposure of macaques to human-like environmental conditions did recapitulate some human-specific metabolic changes, indicating the relevance of our environmental tests. We use cookies to enhance the usability of our website. The remaining 0.5 ml tissue lysate was incubated at room temperature for 30 min after adding 4 ml of chloroform, 1.4 ml methanol, and 0.1 ml 30 M sphingomyelin (Avanti) in a 10 ml glass tube. Ami Ankileweitz has Spinal Muscle Atrophy, a condition that has caused his muscles to wither away.Read more: http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/series/extraordinary-humans/4923/Overview#ixzz1IBm1P14e Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to change and adapt due to experience. Also followed: a 41-year-old man. The small muscles of the vertebrae (the multifidi and rotators) help rotate, extend, and side bend the back. Curating wonderful science materials for humans. Based on the gene expression measurements of the 120 tissue samples we searched for genes showing expression profiles specific to a particular tissue and specific to a particular species in a given tissue. Our data set, MuscleDB, reveals extensive transcriptional diversity, with greater than 50% of transcripts differentially expressed among skeletal muscle tissues. Numbers of metabolites with species-specific concentration profiles detected in both [+]LC-MS and []LC-MS datasets. At the individual pathway level, 44 pathways contained significant excess of enzymes with matching species-specific expression profiles either directly or indirectly linked to the corresponding species-specific metabolites (permutation p<0.01, Table S11) while only seven pathways would be expected by chance (permutation p<0.01). Yes peaks with the same mass and RT differing by 0.5 were classified as overlapping and removed. Human-specific metabolic changes in the PFC included two such units: (i) translational metabolism (valine, leucine, and isoleucine degradation, selenocompound metabolism, aminoacyl-tRNA biosynthesis); and (ii) neurotransmitter signaling (dopaminergic synapse, cocaine and amphetamine addiction) (Figure 4a, Table S14, Figure S10). Follow. You may also like. We thank the personnel of the Suzhou Animal Research Center and particularly Changgen Lian, Su Jin, and Bijia Jiang for help with macaque strength experiments; the personnel of the Shanghai Weiyu junior middle school and particularly Dongping Wang for help with human teenager strength experiments; Guo Song for help in climber recruitment; Jing Jin, He Zhisong, Hindrike Bammann, Hu Haiyang, Li Qian, Yunxian Huang, and Yoann Portugal for technical help in the muscle strength experiments; Mikhail Gelfand, Michael Lachmann, and Mehmet Somel for helpful discussions; and Jerome Boyd-Kirkup for help in manuscript preparation. florida to puerto rico by boat time. Each circle represents an individual sample colored according to species. half a million virus particles can spread to those that are close to the $19.93. Get it as soon as Thursday, Nov 17. To assess this hypothesis, we measured fiber-type composition in nine adult chimpanzee individuals (Table S21). Peaks showing p<0.01 and FDR<5% in 1,000 permutations were considered significant. In each test, peak levels of a given species were compared with the peak levels in the samples of the remaining speciesother primates if the tested species were primate, all primates if the tested species was mouse. But how do our muscles work? Our results indicate that the reallocation of energy to energetically costly human brains may have required further decrease in energy expense in the skeletal muscle, at least during peak performance. What we define as a peak throughout this manuscript is an individual mass trace together with isotopes (mass spectroscopy feature) at a distinct retention time in the chromatographic separation (chromatographic feature). View Copy of Extraordinary Humans_ Muscles.docx from ENGLISH AP at Ardrey Kell High. Only samples with high RNA integrity values were used in this study. Our data suggests that N2A isoform is 20 times more expressed than Novex3. Fiber-type composition of chimpanzee and human skeletal muscle. davenport, fl crime rate P.O. Sep 29, 2019 - What an evening ladies and gentlemen, ladles and jelly spoons, the same. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: CS PH JE OH JB XL MS SP LW. All selected individuals had no medical history or reported abnormal behavior and were healthy during the strength experiments. The obtained m/z values were then searched against the HMDB database [29] for annotation of the [+]LC-MS and []LC-MS datasets. RT outside of the range of 0.75 min of the RTs of any of the used internal standards (IS) RTs or, if the peak shares the same mass with any of the IS, outside of the range of 1.5 of the RT of this IS. Yeah, people have them, but not everyone is able to pop em out like this guy. He is pictured holding five pound weights with . var googleSearchIframeName = "cse-search-results"; var googleSearchFormName = "cse-search-box"; var . Numbers of peaks showing significant concentration differences between control macaques and humans or chimpanzees were estimated using randomly chosen six human or six chimpanzee individuals, the same numbers as for C1 and C2 macaque monkeys. 4.5M views 11 years ago NGC investigates the science of muscle by taking us on a journey inside the bodies of two remarkable humans with startling genetic conditions. For most of us, muscles are under our control. human muscle system, the muscles of the human body that work the skeletal system, that are under voluntary control, and that are concerned with movement, posture, and balance. The variation found in the chimpanzee individuals was compared with variation previously measured in humans using the same methodology [19]. Missing sessions are marked in gray, the best result of each individual is marked in green. Using leading-edge animation, travel below the surface and into the extraordinary bodies of Hunter and Garrett to discover what makes and breaks this intricate and delicate tissue we call skin. Fashion Supplies For Pets extraordinary humans muscles transcript Functional modules comprised of metabolites and pathways showing human-specific changes in PFC. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development; PCA, Since mouse measurements were used solely to compare the pace of metabolic and genetic divergence among species, underestimation of metabolic and genetic variation within mouse species because of their genetic homogeneity does not affect the main results of our study. In the comparison of gene expression among primates, we used a larger set of genes' exons that could be mapped among the three primate species. S1 E10: National Geographic investigates the science of muscle by taking a journey inside the bodies of two remarkable humans with startling muscular disorders. Bones 02. Summary of DMD (BMD, DXS142, DXS164, DXS206, DXS230, DXS239, DXS268, DXS269, DXS270, DXS272, MRX85) expression in human tissue. ), and the lineage connecting the common ancestor of humans, chimpanzees, and macaques with mice (mouse). A: Human evolution, at first, seems extraordinary. Ami Ankileweitz has Spinal Muscle Atrophy, a condition that has caused his muscles to wither away.Read more: http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/series/extraordinary-humans/4923/Overview#ixzz1IBm1P14e How many copies of the mutant gene do people need to have to develop DYT 1 dystonia? As a result, we found that in all tissues metabolic divergence on the chimpanzee, macaque, and mouse evolutionary lineages could to a large extent be explained by genetic distances among these species [9] (Pearson r2=0.88, n=21, p<0.01). This result was also observed for the three mass spectrometry datasets analyzed separately, was robust at various statistical significance cutoffs, could be validated by metabolite measurements overlapping between LC- and GC-MS techniques, was valid for both annotated and unannotated metabolite peaks, and was not affected by exclusion of metabolites with low concentration levels (Tables S8, S9, S10, Figures S8, S9). 14-year old Hunter Steinitz suffers from Harlequin Ichthyosis, a rare condition that causes her skin to grow layer upon layer without flaking off, progressively encasing her in a tight suit of thick All RNA quality was assessed using an Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer. PLoS Biol 12(5): Episode 3 Muscles Fri, Jun 11, 2010 60 mins Profiling a 31-year-old with dystonia, a rare movement disorder that causes involuntary contractions of muscles. All mouse individuals were from the C57/BL6 strain with no genetic modifications. Both of the people in the documentary live with genetic conditions caused by their muscles. Elephants and whales . Following the pathway enrichment analysis, in each species-specific metabolite group, metabolites belonging to two or more KEGG pathways and sharing more than two-thirds of the overrepresented pathways were incrementally grouped into functional units until no two metabolites sharing sufficient numbers of pathways could be grouped together. People with genetic bone disorders are profiled, including a 9-year-old with brittle bone disease, and a 28-year-old with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP), which turns muscles into bone. Changes in concentrations of these metabolites are thought to be closely related to changes in phenotype. This amazing video follows the lives of two extraordinary humans who suffer from rare muscular diseases and it describes the anatomy and physiology of the muscular system and what happens when this system doesn't work like it should. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.1001871.s007. Muscles (45 min.) The back contains the origins of many of the muscles that are involved in the movement of the neck and shoulders. Gene expression was quantified as (N*100)/(L-99) where N is the number of reads aligned to gene exons and L is the total length of the gene exons. By contrast, all tested nonhuman primates were raised in captivity and were never subjected to physical training. The colors show positive (red) and negative (blue) concentration differences from the mean expression level. The effects of postmortem delay, as well as environmental effects characteristic of the industrialized human lifestylea diet rich in fat and sugar content, low levels of exercise, and high levels of social stresswere assessed using the same set of metabolite measurements in 14 additional macaque monkeys (Table S2). 3. The following sections provide a basic framework for the understanding of gross human muscular anatomy, with descriptions of the large muscle groups and their actions. Just the variety of it and the range of it. YEAR: 2010 | LENGTH: 4 parts (46 minutes each) | SOURCE:NATGEO. The last column shows annotation of peaks identified in the database search. Daniel Lieberman's Edge Bio Page. On the organism level, more controlled experiments could inspect recruitment of particular muscles in motion and quantify their performance based on their volume and level of activation. Are Jason's muscles normal in structure and in function? Get it as soon as Wednesday, Nov 16. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.1001871.s012. Water is found in the extracellular fluids of the body (the blood plasma, the lymph, and the interstitial fluid) and within the cells themselves. Functional modules comprised of metabolites and pathways showing human-specific changes in kidney. We hypothesize that rapid metabolic evolution in brain and skeletal muscle is associated with unique cognitive and physical abilities of humans. This article is concerned with the skeletal muscles of the human body, with emphasis on muscle movements and the changes that have occurred in human skeletal musculature as a result of the long evolutionary process that involved the assumption of upright posture. CAS Key Laboratory of Computational Biology, CAS-MPG Partner Institute for Computational Biology, Shanghai, China, The colors indicate proportions of peaks showing species-specific concentration changes on the human (red) and chimpanzee (orange) evolutionary lineages, as well as the lineage connecting the common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees with macaques (gray). For further analysis we kept reads with alignment score >150 and, among those that mapped to two locations, only those with a difference in alignment score 5. KEGG pathways containing significant overrepresentation of metabolites with human-specific concentration profiles in kidney. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.1001871.s031. In the pathway-based analysis (i) we tested both the overrepresentation of pathway enzymes with a corresponding expression profile, as well as pathway enzymes with a corresponding expression profile directly linked to the pathway metabolites with species-specific concentration profile or belonging to a tissue-specific cluster. In the LC-MS datasets, in addition to the individual tissue samples, we measured mixtures of tissue samples (pooled samples). Rhesus macaque samples were obtained from the Suzhou Experimental Animal Center, China. Find out! Human Body Collection, Season 1 Episode 7, is available to watch and stream on National Geographic. Empty symbols represent trials measured using the apparatus built in the Leipzig primate center, filled symbols those measured using the apparatus built in Shanghai. KEGG pathways containing significant overrepresentation of metabolites with human-specific concentration profiles in PFC. The number of samples tested was limited to 85 samples for which the full annotation including RIN was known. Rotation is one of the most-important actions of the cervical (neck) spine. The second is that it's put us in a place where we have no idea what's going to happen, in terms of the future. [24]. small effect of the short-term environmental changes on metabolite concentrations in macaque tissues indicates that the extraordinary human-specific metabolic divergence observed in skeletal muscle, PFC, and brain might reflect the phenotypic differences between humans and . She has Spinal Muscle Atrophy, a condition that causes her muscles to wither away. Among them, 1,535 could be annotated using metabolite standards or computationally matching the metabolite features to metabolite database entries. Clustering of species-specific metabolites and KEGG pathways in kidney. Other mutations can lead to extra . Muscle strength measurements in humans, chimpanzees, and rhesus macaques. The alterations in genes involved in the extracellular matrix may reflect a change in structural organization of skeletal muscle following repeated cold exposure, the purpose of which remains unclear. 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