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initiative referendum and recall are examples of quizletrochelle walensky sons

Photo by Sarah Schoeneman initiative referendum and recall are examples of quizlet

Proponent organization and requirements: Sponsors must designate a committee of three to five people who shall represent them in all matters related to the petition (ORC 3519.02). III, 8). Art. Submission deadline of signatures: Filed four months before election, and have been published in newspaper at least 30 days prior (Ark. Art. Mary is concerned with the education that her child is getting and wants the school day extended in her district. 3, 18), Massachusetts (M.G.L.A. Legislature or other government official review: For indirect statute petitions, the legislature has 40 session days to pass or reject the unchanged or un-amended measure. 3, 5). What is on each petition: Petition includes original bill number, title and affidavit signed by no more than three proponents file the measure (34 OS 1). Timeline for taking effect: On and after the 30th day after it the initiative was approved by voters unless otherwise specified (RCWA Const. The title of the statute or resolution that is the subject of the referendum is printed on the ballot. 116.025). M.G.L.A. Single subject rule: No statute. Must be 18 or older and a U.S. citizen (M.C.L.A. 218D.810; 293.267). Proponent financial disclosure requirements: A committee must be formed upon the occurrence of any of the following in a calendar year: receiving contributions in excess of $2,000, making independent expenditures totaling $1,000 or more or making contributions totaling $10,000 or more (Govt. Types allowed: Citizen initiative for statutes and popular referendum, Other subject restrictions: No restrictions (Const. Verification: The secretary of state has 35 days to verify. Submission deadline for signatures: June 1 (Const. Proponent organization and requirements: Primary sponsors file names with secretary of state, and a principal circulator is listed (Neb. Most common are requirements that they be at least 18 years of age, a citizen, a registered voter and/or a resident of the state. Withdrawal of petition: The sponsor may file a written notice to withdraw the initiative with the secretary of state (V.A.M.S. VI, Subpt. 2, Sec. Any contribution of $500 or more in last 13 days to be reported within 24 hours. 1-40-102, 1-40-105, 1-40-106, Florida: F.S.A. There are two kinds of referenda: obligatory and optional. Two years for collection, and deadline of four months prior to the general election. Allowed to pay another for their signature: Prohibited (NDCC, 16.1-01-12). III, 3). 1(9)). 1953 20A-7-702; 20A-7-204.1; 20A-7-701-706, Washington: RCWA 29A.32.010; 29A.32.031; 29A.32.040; 29A.32.070; 29A.32.080, Arkansas (Arkansas Const. Circulator requirements: Must be age 18 or older, registered with secretary of state and signed affidavit (A.R.S. 15, 273). M.G.L.A. Art. See Elec. Which election: Next succeeding election at which the question may be voted upon by the voters of the entire state (Const. 4, Pt. 1051, 1052, 1052-A, 1053-B, 1054, 1054-A, 1055, 1055-A, 1056, 1056-A, 1056-B, 1057, 1058, 1059, 1060, 1062-A, 1062-B, Massachusetts: M.G.L.A. 2, 2; see also M.G.L.A. 1953 20A-7-201). Stat. Circulator oaths or affidavits: No, but they certify that each signature was in their presence and that they believe each individual is an elector (O.R.S. Which election is a measure on: Biennial regular general election (C.R.S.A. Const. Monthly reports are due on the 10th for any preceding month in which total contributions received or total expenditures made exceed $200 (RCW 42.17A.235). Const. Art. It is argued that the simple existence of the initiative mechanism acts as a check on the activities of the legislature. Which election: Next statewide or general election, whichever comes first, that is not less than 60 days after the petition is submitted (Const. Proponent organization and requirements: The cover of an initiative or referendum petition shall designate the name and residence address of not more than three persons as chief petitioners (ORS 250.045(6)). Bill No. Semiannual statements of contributions and expenditures are due July 31 and January 31 (Govt. In calendar quarters with an election, additional reports are due 10 days before the election and 15 days after the election. 901), Proponent organization and requirements: Any organization supervising or managing petition circulation must register with secretary of state (21-A M.R.S.A. Const. Petition sponsors, approved or rewritten by attorney general, Petition sponsors, with approval by secretary of state, Drafted by secretary of state and approved by attorney general, Petition sponsors, approved by attorney general. XI, 5). 1953, Const. 4, 1, Pt. 48, Init., Pt. 3, 8), Timeline for taking effect: Thirty days after the election (NDCC Const. Which election: Next general election (Const. Allowed to pay another for their signature: Prohibited (Mo.Rev.Stat. Repeal or change restrictions: No veto by governor. 1953 20A-7-702; 20A-7-204.1; 20A-7-701-706). . 12, 2). See. 2). 7-9-114. For collection, if the petitions were filed at least 165 days before the election and the signatures are deemed insufficient, they may collect more, and deadline of four months prior to the general election. Twenty-three states have a popular referendum process. 5, 1), Repeal or change restrictions: No veto by governor, and two-thirds vote by legislature may amend or repeal (Ark. Which election is a measure on: The next statewide election unless the legislature or governor convenes a special election for it or the governor designates a vote at the primary election (OK Const. 7-9-103), Geographic distribution: From 15 different counties, with each countys petition having signatures of at least half of the designated %age of electors of the county (Ark. Code 9006). Signatures must be submitted no later than 18 months after the petition form was furnished by the secretary of state, and each signature is only valid for one year. * See also: 2011 N.D. Op.Atty.Gen. Verification: County officials check that each signatory is a registered elector of the county. Art. Attorney general aids summary. II, 9(b) and Elec. Must report on Jan. 15 of an election year all expenditures in excess of $1,000 or cumulative expenditures to one recipient in excess of $1,000 in the previous calendar year. Const. And within 30 days of the close of the first complete fiscal year after the effective date of an initiated measure approved by the voters, the agencies, institutions, or departments that provided the estimates of the fiscal impact of the measure to the legislative management under this section shall submit a report to the legislative council on the actual fiscal impact (NDCC Const. Eight % for amendments (Cal.Const. Const. Circulator requirements: Any Maine resident who is a registered voter (21-A MRS 903-A). 116.100). 21 1 and A.R.S. Legislature may hold public hearings and must hold a committee hearing once 25 % of signatures are collected (Cal.Gov.Code 10243, 12172; Cal.Elec.Code 9007, 9034). Fifteen% of those residing in at least two-thirds of the counties of the state, as determined by those who voted in the preceding general election in that county. V, 3 and 34 OS 1, 4 and 8). Timeline for taking effect: July 1 after the official canvass (SDCL 2-1-12). 15, 273; Miss. 2; 21 Okl.St.Ann. II, 1b), Types allowed: Direct statutory and constitutional amendment initiatives, and popular referendum, Single subject rule: Yes (OK Const. Const. Seven states specify a process for withdrawing a popular referendum petition from circulation; the remaining states do not. Direct primaries. Art. 23-17-7; 23-17-9; 23-17-15). For direct measures, four months from the election (RCWA 29A.72.030). V, 1(4)(a) and CRS 1-40-123). 21 1 and A.R.S. Petition title and summary creation: Secretary of state, official committee that filed and approved by attorney general (O.R.C. Submission deadline of signatures: No later than three months and three weeks before the election and made by 3 p.m. on the day of filing (C.R.S.A. Proponent financial disclosure requirements: There is a principal circulator whose information is publicly available upon request (NRS 32-1406). 295.056. Legislature or other government official review: Reviews done by attorney general and legislative services division. 5, 1). Application process information: File with the secretary of state an application containing the act to be referred. Legislature or other government official review: The Financial Impact Estimating Conference members of one person from the governors office, the coordinator of the Office of Economic and Demographic Research, one professional senate staffer and one professional house staffer (F.S.A. Collected in-person: Implied (MCA 13-27-102), Withdrawal process of individual signature: Any time prior to official filing (MCA 13-27-301). Allowed to pay another for their signature: Prohibited (RCWA 29A.72.110; 29A.72.120; 29A.72.130; RCWA 29A.84.250), Number of signatures required: Eight % of the votes cast for the office of governor at the last regular gubernatorial election prior to the submission of the signatures for verification (RCWA 29A.72.150), Who can sign the petition: Legal voters (RCWA 29A.72.120), Collected in-person: Yes (RCWA 29A.72.120), Withdrawal process of individual signature: Only accepted before signatures are filed (People v. Hinkle [1924] 130 Wash. 419, 227 P. 861). Conflicting measures: The measure with highest number of affirmative votes prevails (M.C.L.A. Repeal or change restrictions: No act, law or bill approved by a majority of the electors voting thereon shall be amended or repealed by the legislature within a period of two years following such enactment unless by a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house. Circulator oaths or affidavit required: Yes. Democracy and republican run against each other voters vote for one demarcate representative and one republican representative. 19, 3; Art. 4, 1, Pt. County recorder or justice of the peace. 6, Gen. Ethics Commission rules 2.79, 2.80, 2.103, 2.109, 2.122. St. 32-630; 32-628). Who creates petitions: The secretary of state prepares a "signature form (that) includes provisions for identification of the measure; the printed name, signature, and address of the committee member; and notarization of the signature" (NDCC, 16.1-01-07). Code 18680. None specified for title, and summary "prepared by the person authorized by law. V, 3 and OK Stat. 7-9-111). III, 3 and NRS 32-1407). Proponent organization and requirements: Sponsors name is part of original filing, along with the name of any committee the sponsor has formed and the names of not more than three people who can withdraw or amend the petition (NRS 295.015). If a congressional district has 90 % of the needed valid signatures, the petition fails in that district. Timeline for taking effect: 30th day after the election at which it was passed (Const. Random sample of at least 500 or 5% of the signatures, whichever is greater. Art. Art. Same must also be reported quarterly on April 15, July 15, Oct. 15 and Jan.15. Art. Ballot title and summary: Prepared jointly by the secretary of state and attorney general (IC 34-1810(1)(b)). For constitutional amendment initiatives, 4 % of the resident population (NDCC Const. Art. Art. Seven states (Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio and Oregon) allow sponsors extra time to gather additional signatures if the petitions submitted are insufficient. Many cities and about one fourth of the states have incorporated it into their charters or constitutions. 14, 11). States with popular referendums (23): Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Idaho, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington Wyoming. 168.472). Who creates petitions: Lieutenant governor provides a copy of the referendum petition and signature sheets; sponsors print additional copies (Utah Code 20A-7-304). If any pair do not match, the rest of the signatures on that page must be verified via this comparison (MCA 13-27-303; 13-27-304). II, 1g). What is on each petition: Petition must include a short title of 20 words or less, a summary and the text of the measure. Code 100). Laws 168.471. 19-111), Where to file with: Secretary of states office (A.R.S. III, 5(1) and MCA 13-27-202). Art. 3517.01, .08, .10, .11, 12, .13, .20, .092, .093, .102, .105; O.H.R. 4, Pt. Const. The states vary in the number and the baseline used to determine the number of signatures required. Which election: Biennial regular election (IC 34-1803). Paid per signature: Yes, "No law shall be passed to prohibit any person or persons from giving or receiving compensation for circulating petitions." 15, 273), Who can sign the petition: Qualified electors (MS Const. 5, 5). (OH Const. Must include the language "a committee for/against Proposition __" in any reference to the committee required by law (Govt. We will meet Mark . Must file statement of organization as a PAC upon receiving contributions or making expenditures in any combination of at least $1,000 in connection with an election. And if raising more than $5,000 in a year, the entity must register as a ballot question committee and then must file Campaign Statements and other forms with the Nebraska Accountability and Disclosure Commission, all on a set timeline (Neb.Rev.St. 5 1). Petitions are valid for one year, and deadline of 90 days before the first day of the legislative session. 3, 18), Ballot title and summary: Secretary of state and attorney general (21-A M.R.S.A. Art. 2. Geographic distribution: Signers must be from at least three-fourths of the states house districts, and signatures in each house district must equal at least 7% of those who voted in the preceding general election in the house district (AS 15.45.350(2)). 23-17-21). 4, Pt. Sponsors of advertising must file a report within 24 hours of the time the advertisement is published, mailed or otherwise revealed to the public if the advertisement qualifies as an independent expenditure or has a fair market value or actual cost of $1,000 or more.

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