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Photo by Sarah Schoeneman is the violet flame dangerous

When I do these decrees for an hour I do feel blissful tingly all over! CDs, you will hear the correct way to increase your speed. In the hermetic traditions of Egypt and Greece, colored stones, minerals, and crystals were used in chromotherapy, also known as color therapy. Did he just disappeared? Just today 11:11, 1:11, 2:22.kind as crazy. The electrons begin to move freely again, and raise our whole vibration and our energy level. The Violet Flame: A Game Changer! Violet light in the aura, then, denotes that the soul is free to commune with God. With every beat of our hearts, energy is flowing to us from our Higher Source. The flames rise and pulsate around you in different shades of purple, pink and violet. Think of a problem that youve recently discovered and would like to focus on. I also asked if the violet flame can heal it got no only Divine Mother can heal it? The nucleus, being from matter, assumes the negative pole and the white fire core of the violet flame, being Spirit, assumes the positive pole. Then I started feeling the tingling and feeling off. Beautiful souls of love, peace, charity, wisdom and compassion. We can treat illnesses with proper medical care, but spiritual energy also helps balance our physical, mental, and emotional health. I think you will appreciate the teachings that will come to you each day for thirty days. I have been advised by a pychic that they (other realms) want me to write my book and she knew it was in 3 parts! Dont Take it on Faith Listen to the Scientists: For the scientific minded, here is the greatest explanation of why the violet flame works In our physical world, the violet light is the shortest wave length of light and therefore, the highest frequency in the physical spectrum. Allow for your calls to go forth to the Violet Flame, to release the planet from all of the burdens, all of the overlays of the astral and the psychic plane. Violet flame is an absolut must do for each an everyone. This Violet Flame materialized through the 4th dimensional energy into my space and made its way into my third eye. I was a little stressed, but I didnt think it was anything unusual. The trek to the top of the mountain is worth the inconvenience.-EM. Saturate yourself and your loved ones in the energy of the violet flame and watch your world change. Thus, if we increase the light of purity and of the violet flame through our mantras and our prayers to God, we will also accelerate our consciousness on the white and violet rays. It aims to change the metal (which represents negative human energy) to gold (which signifies positive divine energy). As I mentioned ,I think I went to hard to fast with decrees The love of my life tells me that I dont understand what meditation is, and that its about concentrating and actually closing your mind off from anything like what Im afraid of. -. I have no karma as Yoganandas has taken it all from me. For centuries, alchemists have sought to change lead metals into gold. A Chohan or the Lord of Ray, is an ascended master in charge of one of the seven spiritual rays. Of all colors, violet has one of the highest vibrational frequencies. The preamble to a decree is like an invitation. This information has been timely and helpful. I have been doing Yoganandas Kriya Yoga meditation since 2000 to now and only started the Violet Flame and now Mother Akashas Rose Pink Flames dispensations since February 2019. It teaches us to be more loving, compassionate and forgiving when theres hatred. My pendulum is saying this person was St. Germain! I was enjoying my morning decrees. This is because blue is associated with calmness, which is very useful in a hectic environment! I wonder why the other specialists of this sector do not notice this. The Violet Flame is the intense spiritual energy that can deliver fast positive change. I am so glad my soul nudge me to google violet flame! Shield. The 20th century and our own, is the doorway between different spiritual ages. It was not scary but my initial reaction was to get out of the house as I did not understand who and how this person came in! When we look at the bright side of situations, we release all the stress caused by the things we cannot control. Fear is an appearance you are making real with your thoughts, emotions, attitudes, beliefs, and attention. Violet is also the color of the seventh ray which is a concept that has appeared in several religions and esoteric philosophies. All you need is a peaceful and quiet place to say some prayers to invoke the light. I live in the kingdom of heaven being Bliss Consciousness every day and pretty much all the time as long as I dont allow other peoples issues to take me out of my Blissful State of being. Or you may just have the impression that you were in a particular time or place. When you use violet flame decrees, you are commanding the flow of energy from spirit to matter. Always from negative to positive, through it we have the ability to change what we do not like or prevent us from evolving. This group karma affects our destinies. The truth is, every spiritual seeker is a powerhouse of spiritual energy and counts for more in the world equation than most realize. One step begins the trek of a thousand miles. The purpose of the purifying is to make your life more comfortable for a higher kingdom to live in you and become more physical. Prices pulled from the Amazon Product Advertising API on: Who Is Saint Germain of the Violet Flame? We are in constant contact with news and crisis situations around the world. If there is a pale yellow, almost golden, light in the aura of an individual, especially around the head, we know that there is flooding through that one's mind, as Kuthumi says, the fingers of cosmic intelligence. This energy present within the aura enables the mind of man to contact the universal Mind of God. Apologies for late response! BONUS: Additional resources about the violet flame. The violet flame, or light, is the color of freedom and has the quality of mercy. Sometimes it will be energy, feeling of peace or love entering us, or sound, or wisdom or inspiration, etc. The violet flame can literally consume the negative layers of energy within and between the very atoms of your being. It refers to the full union of a human being with his Mighty I AM Presence.. I practice Spiritual Psychologyif you would like to share your issues; e-mail me at ritabestill@gmail.com or 705-515-1000 or look up my websitemost of the info that might assist you is listed. . This is where violet flame healing can help. I had lost my job, but was in process to retrain and go back to school. All Rights Reserved. The violet flame is an invisible spiritual energy. Menial chores are performed by violet-flame angels and elementals, which allows the people time to pursue the path of . The base-of-the-spine chakra, the Mother center, gives forth the pure white light when its energies are held in the purity of Alpha and OmegaAlpha and Omega being symbolical of the divine polarity of the masculine and feminine energies that are concentrated in each chakra. It causes hormonal imbalance and weakens our immune system. The Violet Flame is here to assist the energetic transition of Gaia and humanity into the fifth dimension of consciousness and higher. Your prayer to Archangel Michael can be as simple as Archangel Michael, Help me! Hi I started using Violet flame last year. Thats it! He explains that the interference with the aura in its natural, pure state by the mortal consciousness and by the misqualification of light creates negative colorations. [Read More]. If everything is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies, then each color carries its own wavelength and specific properties. Thank you. Start here . When I started the Challenge I asked my pendulum from scale of 1 to 10 where was my violet flame in being balance with 10 being the highest it was at 5 and the weakest plume being the blue power one. Paula. It sets us free from all the hatred of our past scars and painful memories. Why did I do, what did I start ? The violet light is a coalesced healing energy of love, mercy, forgiveness, and transmutation. You can work out your violet-flame routine in communion with your Higher Self. You may begin with a few, slow deep breaths before invoking the light with the violet flame decree. This is the Violet Flame-a spiritual light that actually transmutes and consumes negative energy. Repeat your mantra as many times as you feel is necessary for your mind to find stillness and serenity. Its all energy. Think of electricity there has to be balance so negative and positive cancels each other out. I am interested in what you are doing with the violet flame in Canada? It is essential that we identify the emotional issues associated with our ill health. The violet flame can alter, mitigate or entirely turn back prophecy. Thank you for the Great Work the Summit Lighthouse is doing to spread the Light to the world. Hisuian Zoroark is a dangerous threat that should be accounted for in the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's metagame. I am 84 yrs old & caring my partner 91 yrs old with multiple medical problem eg cancer etc. Thank you for another tool to add to my meditation toolbox! Every human being uses energy and substance waking and sleeping. excellent post, very informative. We recognize their continued connection to the land and waters of this beautiful place and acknowledge that they never ceded sovereignty. This is indeed a great gift that is given to us by Saint Germain. We too can also fail or fall if we dont have the protection that helps our momentum to keep going and smooths out the roughs spots so we have less difficulties. Doing the Decrees is working your Throat Chakra so it may have just brought it up to the surface faster than if you did no decrees. We get spiritual experiences because of our spiritual work and connection to the Presence. We are also impacting the world by who we are and what we believe, what we are choosing to be, or not to be. For instance, the aura of someone who is in a state of contemplation, study or meditation might have the presence of a yellow light, a violet light and even a blue lightthe blue indicating faith in God. Paula. Coalossal. It's usually peaceful, but the vandalism of mines enrages it. Bathe the earth in violet fire. Ive been referring to this as my spirit self because it was in my shape and once it was outside of my body I visualized it being cleansed and taking in more positive energy. If you still have fear you need to do the violet flame a lot! There is great power in giving a decree slowly. Elementals who represent the fire element are called salamanders; those who represent the air element, sylphs; those who represent the water element, undines; those who represent the earth element, gnomes. Fire is the only one of the four classical elements that can quickly transform something completely. I remember thinking Okay, this is actually real, but what is my power?. By the law of the circle, the law of karma, that energy will return to us. : Transform your life with 15 minutes of daily decreeing & create true abundance. The burden alone that the elementals have carried for the lifestreams upon the planet is great. Since frequency is directly proportional to energy, the violet light also has the most energy! Paula. Copyright 2023 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Spiritual seekers are familiar with meditation, visualization and affirmation. Poor lighting, dust, untidiness and stale air impede the flow of spiritual energy. I would love to contact any of the Violet Flame by phone, email or in person. Offenders will be incinerated with flames that reach 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit. Very timely too. I thought I have time to learn to meditate and do VF decrees. Copyright 2023 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. We generally begin our decrees by saying, In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, and my very own beloved Holy Christ Self and include our favorite masters and saints. Our connection to them is through our I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self. I thought I have time to learn to meditate and do VF decrees. The muddying of the pure colors of the aura occurs whenever there is a mingling of the emanations of imperfect thoughts and feelings with the pure colors released through the prism of the Christ. What Is Your True Color Personality Type? I can be more focus & not irritable. Violet Flame never is the cause of any dis-ease in the physical body, or mental or emotional bodies. Check and follow our social media accounts to get updated with our recent posts. All those fear based thoughts that you had are coming from your subconscious and beliefs about life that you have stored. I choose OM MANI PADME HUM, you can use one of your own, or pick one from these meditation mantras. I stopped everything, meditation, VF.I thought may its to much. Think of it: If you can set free energy that was locked in place by a negative thought or feeling, are you not going back and changing the past? He too said that Kriya Yoga and violet flame are miraculous methods for realizing the Higher Self. I do not have much practice in spirituality and have not tried this meditation but two days ago I meditated. It just gets better and better. But both together definitely a plus. The best thing out of that mess , was finally finding a helpful doctor. You can draw more light and strengthen the violet flames with more repetitions. See yourself surrounded by a violet-flame pillar about six feet in diameter and about nine feet high. Forgive yourself and move on. Not only that, but the color violetstimulates our openness to divine wisdom, promotes selflessness and speeds up our natural healing process. As you use the Violet Flame which is the Cosmic Purifying Detergent it is purifying all discordant energy in your feeling side of life that you have locked into the very cells of your physical body and your KARMA.

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