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Photo by Sarah Schoeneman vatican underground tunnels

We live in a time where we need eyes in the back of our heads at all times. Did the Cabal get to him too ? Many people have signed NDAs so I cant see whats off there neither. 'Secretum' in Latin does not mean 'secret' as some may suppose. 650 planes full of gold and the large tunnel with it, with couple of shots of that would encourage people to believe more). WWG1WGA. Under the Hyatt Regency, the Rev. Yeah, who built that then and over what period of time? I want to see the video thats supposed to be on this page but there is NO link to a video anywhere except the next and prior ones. For us, most of us had no idea it was going on but He sees all! I am convinced also that our God can and does protect everything for us. Thank you so much Les! Im not here to kill the fun, but our job is to present the facts as best as we can. To this point in time Ive been fine. Thank you, I saw that as an oversight. Nesara/ Gesara, Please go to Duck Duck Go or You Tube and put these words in individually. A vertical opening is usually called a shaft. Im sorry Jackie, I dont go along with these Annunaki/alien or monkey theories. There was more gold than you can imagine found in the tunnel under the Vatican City. The ancient Roman basilica was discovered by accident under a train station. One Talent (approx) in todays value is $1,176,050 so if this amount is multiplied by 666 Talents its close to 800M per year x by 40 years thats a mega hoard + he had gold and diamond & other precious metal mines in Africa, the Philipines, India and other countries. The level of the Adriatic sea in the northern part (where I lived) has dropped by about 20 centimeters. If you hear now stroies about DUMPS (deep military underground bases) where eathquakes are happening, seeming that they are blown up, do you think that there could be a connetction between Vatican, that tunnel, the town Rakovski perhaps the tunnel is interrupted now Humans have stripped gold from the dead for nearly 2000 years to fill the tunnel. Small earthquakes all over the world. Loving money, and ever being greedy for more money, which brings with it power, which ultimately leads to total control of others. It does not work like a vaccine not at all. It has taken a real search throughout scripture and to see with new eyes that has opened up the way for me. It does sound very suspicious about their being a (Du/mb) under Rakovski, doesnt it. What They Intended For Evil, God Turns For Good, Have Faith in God Entreats President Trump. https://marilynjwilliams.com. Look, I dont say I have all the answers I wouldnt say that for a minute but I tell you what once you grasp hold of all this it brings peace to your heart. It is just that we in California see no no change. Although most ot the work is done. I heard him say this. Because there has only ever been mined across the world 190,000 tons of Gold! Running from Vatican City, and deep underground, there is a tunnel that runs almost in a direct line to Jerusalem. WWG1WGA. To me, NESARA is a dream, not a reality. https://marilynjwilliams.com/australia-a-powerful-beacon-of-light-for-the-world/, https://wakeup-world.com/category/contributing-writers/dane-wigington/, https://marilynjwilliams.com/understand-revelations-current-events/, https://earthquaketrack.com/quakes/2020-05-01-11-01-39-utc-4-5-10, How they connect wicked secret underground cities, https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2v94c9, https://www.koin.com/mystery-wire/tunnels-secrets-include-military-uses-underground-networks/, https://fas.org/nuke/guide/usa/c3i/mt_weather.htm, https://rumble.com/search/video?q=Charlie%20Ward. Ive seen things you would not believe. Iran has shown off what it claims are underground tunnels used for air defense systems. That was the first vax Hoax for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ J. Hi J I just saw your comment come in and wanted to address it immediately. Thats the message of the poem I sent to you and the readers. Understand how the water flows underground and talk about the aqueducts with their original hydraulic mechanism. Youve seen more than most of us together youre hardened in ways that would turn us to jelly I appreciate that but you also know the way things are carried out. We know the destination but not all the little twists and turns we have to take to get to that destination. Now using scripture to intrepret scripture if a long time was 3 1/2 yrs, who would think Johns shortly would be 2000 yrs later. We need to set our eyes on the real truth and hope for this world, and that is Jesus Christ. People do grow up and mature. This became a place to get inspiration from the ancestors as the masters were buried here. It is more that we plant seeds in the hope it will cause people to start doing their own research. Where are they? The downtrodden are important. We are close, and the White House will be torn down along with the Capitol, Supreme Court etc. from wiki - No-one has been left out of this Globalists tyranny. As for the tunnels, why did they empty them out? Lets research them and see what we come up with. a relative newbie in this Anon world. Even though, people ask for real evidences, (i.e. He said: If the Templars had any secret treasure, it remains secret, but I see no special reason why they did have any. More underground Rome at the Vatican Necropolis While it's well-known that from St. Peter's Basilica you can access the crypt for free through a small door, many might ignore that yet down another layer of history there is an important necropolis. Hi Jeanne, After Armageddon is the 1,000 years of peacewhen Satan is locked up (no longer has any control over the Satanists and is rendered powerless) then the Gog and Magog test battle then our bodies being changed. As far as the course was concerned, I believe he studied online for 5 or 6 years to achieve it. Will we ever know? After Tomar helped launch Portugals 15th-century maritime expansion, spearheaded by Henry the Navigator, the church became the inspiration for all Portuguese churches built overseas leading some to declare it the Vatican of the Templars. Local legends say there are underground connections between Tomars castle and the church., READ MORE:Knights Templar treasure debunked by expert after Holy Grail mystery unravelled. Hi Clay! He recently found out the who some of them were got their address, phone number and the lot! In World War II, the tunnels were transformed once again as they were used as bomb shelters. Thank you for transcribing Gene Decodes work. Clearly, we do not see what is happening behind the scenes but it will be televised for 10 days, all will be seen except no photos of the hundreds of thousands of children rescued and those not alive. The 1500 mile tunnel from the Vatican to Jerusalem UFOmania - The truth is out there 436K subscribers Join Subscribe 3K Share 122K views 2 years ago #gold #gold #ancientaliens There was more. The length of the tunnel was given as approximately 1,500 miles, so it cuts through underneath both land and water. The they are on the White Hat team the military. I feel your pain John! At my computer (You Tube mainly) I had tons of choices to read from. The actual direct flight distance is 1,432.90 miles (2,306.03 km). Allan Watts on Youtube explains on explains the nature of the Control he also explains how the Vatican (a city state) edited the Bible in 4th and 12th century to control the minds of the people to looking outside themselves for answers to problems in their lives. You may ask why that would be? Also, please remember he has to be very clever in what he says. The archives are in fact made up of the private letters and historic records of past popes over the past four . Ahh Denbo! I really like Charlie Ward. But historian Daniel Jones previously debunked this myth during an interview on Dan Snows History Hit. He also show the barges that go down to GItmo. The best of the options was to promote and let military capture the bad elements and actors that thought they had bought him out so the agenda continued. Thanks again Patty! One conspiracy theory " going viral " is that extensive operations are taking place to rescue children held in secret underground locales beneath densely populated cities. Those that deal with tribunals or those that are risen before? Who is Dane? It was very interesting to note the tunnels connecting the Vatican to Jerusalem, including the stolen Hebrew books and the gold. Your believes are your GOD whatever you choose to believe in the Universe will give you evident of your beliefs. It was ready for 2000, but no president ever wanted to enforce. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. This to orchestrate world wars to finance monetary policies to take the resources of America to serve the House of Lords that owned the British East India Company. Hi Stacy, Hi Debbie, The greed of people and organizations is unbelievable. Gradually the tunnels from all around the world are being dealt with, one after another and being made unusable in the future. A BBC documentary exposed a fifty-year scandal of child trafficking by the Catholic church in Spain. Under pressure, Pope Clement V disbanded the order in 1312, but its sudden reduction in power inspired the rise of legends. So various, so beautiful, so new, And we are seeing the results of our long hours of digging, researching, the piecing together of all those strands of twine to create the most efficient net that a fisher of men created to help their fellow man sustain life in truth of our Creator. The article alleges that Jeffery Epstein is alive and in military custody and sharing intel about more tunnels. Here, LIFE.com looks back to a time when the church was actively unearthing its own secrets . vatican underground tunnels. The actual direct flight distance is 1,432.90 miles (2,306.03 km). Vaccine news: Oxford jab outperforms rival amid Macron criticism, Yanis Varoufakis dismissal of EU's claim that Brexit can help bloc, Underground tunnels of the Knights Templar were found in Portugal, Historian and author Paulo Alexandre Loucao, Gualdim Pais, an important Templar in Portugal, King Arthur: Holy Grail of history unravelled by 'tantalising clues', Knights Templar treasure debunked by expert, Knights Templar treasure debunked by expert after Holy Grail mystery unravelled, Antarctica: Scientists make breakthrough over dinosaur-extinction [VIDEO], NASA asteroid revelation: Space rock 'threatens' Earth researcher [ANALYSIS], Asteroid tsunami: Why scientist offered dire warning to US coast [COMMENT], Secret door leading to underground caves of Knights Templar, Knights Templar: Lost secrets of Crusaders who 'carried Holy Grail'. 6 Sept. a huge tunnel in the Philippines was destroyed - accompanied by an earthquake. Yes, he has a doctorate and is well able to use Dr before his name. People need to do some research on DR Charlie Ward. But I do hope you are right! Yes, you are going to be tormented and killed. The Vatican Necropolis lies under the Vatican City, at depths varying between 5-12 metres below Saint Peter's Basilica. "Lines of Buses with darkened windows are seen taking the children away from their underground hell. As in Blow the Trumpet in Zion, Sound the alarm in My Holy mountain. I do believe Trump has been chosen by God to lead the world through such a strange and difficult time. Much appreciated. Hi Patty! Everyone has been through the same. Visitors can see the new underground areas through guided tours booked through the Western Wall Heritage Foundation, a non-profit governmental body that manages the Western Wall. watch all 35 episodes of the Fall of the Cabal on Rubble and Bitchute, or on their website. But, our eyes are about to be opened. We are moving into a different world, only made possible by the complete removal of the evil Cabal who have been busy robbing us blind in every possible way. Quantum Financial System. If you have not seen this. Some banks will take your money in your bank account due to their false legal permission to do so, given them by courts and legislatures. Yes I agree with you how could anyone know exactly how much gold has been mined totally. After coming out of a difficult beginning to life he had to find himself. And then they announced another earthquake for the next days on TV, remember? Calling him a pedo is about as bad as it gets when all the fellow is trying to do is tell the truth. Thats OK Jeanne were all in this together, helping each other to know and understand the truth. Actually no-one is asking you to believe it Marlene what we are asking you to do is research for yourself. It really appears to me that we are currently right in the middle of the Battle of Armageddon the evil ones will be dealt with we are fighting the battle right now together with the Lord. That hasnt been hidden though not considered inspired scripture (I think Im gonna go buy a copy and check it out.) How did God put up with it? So, they had to fight whatever was there before getting to the kids. I believe it will be. "Everyone will soon learn about this Satanic evil that has been going on for many, many years under the knowledge of U.S . This three-tiered complex consists of an 11 th century Basilica that was built on top of the pre-existing 4 th century "domus ecclesiae" (a secretive meeting room . Frightened? By having independent city states the Kasarian mafia dont adhere to any of the laws of the democracies surrounding each of the city states. Thank you for alerting me. She said that etc.Then we research from there. I think we are right in the middle of a terrifying clash between good and evil. Over 300,000 babies were stolen from their parents up to the 1990s. Once Nesara/Gesara are being fully rolled out, all our food supply will be cleaned up. I dont expect everyone to simply believe what I say. I have added a link to my post How they connect wicked secret underground cities because of your question. This is it! Just to be clear about this, Im a Christian. There are many trolls out there writing stuff against him. It was the Vaticans decision what to include. I will send you a direct email. Hi Mesake, The Nat Geo group's work revealed not just tunnels, but also a guard house hidden beneath the modern city. 659 planes flown into Fort Knox. Go to Apocyraphal 1970 think it is called. I have heard, but I really do not know if its true or not, that the old chemtrails have already been stopped. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I have seen most of Charlie Wards videos along with Gene DeCodes info and completely concur with you. In 2008, construction work around the church appeared to confirm their suspicions. Thank you for your comment. The report in Iran's Tasnim News comes amid tensions in the region and Iran's increased enrichment of uranium. But dig deeper. But for those of us who have really discerning minds, we were the ones considered conspiracy theorists by most everyone else because we were being good Bereans. To me, it is nothing but promises & wishes, with Trump wanting money from me to keep his WHATEVER going. Please give us the strength to do thy will and may we live in peace. I also have a question about whether or not chem trails will be stopped now, and the poisoning of our crops and GMO altering of our food. Anything that makes it easier is worth it. But not children. I pray that President Trump is right and we all will love how this movie ends. It belongs to Americans,its our tax money that Corporate America has been stealing from us. https://fas.org/nuke/guide/usa/c3i/mt_weather.htm. Turn off your tv and do your own digging and research youll find out whos really b.s. Doch sollte man es nicht schon wieder berbewerten, man muss die Lebensmittelspekulation von den Brsen entfernen und dann wird der Hunger auf der Welt zu beseitigen mglich sein. Even what I have learned so far has sent me for a six. I have added a link to my post How they connect wicked secret underground cities because of your question. Once it's up and running in early 2016, it's unlikely to be accessed by humans again for another 10 years. The false-prophet is undoubtedly the pope or the black pope? I need to go to my go to site and hear the latest talk by Dane, if he knows anything. More On: For the first time in history, the bowels of Rome's Colosseum are now open for public viewing. Meanwhile its interesting that substances such as Ivermectin and others ARE classified as vaccine. In the city of Tomar stands the Church of Santa Maria do Olival, built in the second half of the 12th century by the provincial master of the Order of the Knights Templar in Portugal, Gualdim Pais. It further confirms what Mitko told me. We just need to buckle up our seat belts. They have all gone over my house repeatedly as I am on a flight line. What remains of. I cannot say, but it makes me feel better! They fell into a trap and its sad there was a huge loss in collateral damage but far less had the other path been chosen.. remember they supposedly have access to a looking glass which gives them probable outcome of choices. What If The New World Order Was the Beast of Revelations? When the financial system is taken out of the hands of the Ca/bal, they will no longer have a method of transferring funds gained by nefarious means. Now we go to the 5th demention and life happy everafter. If you HV the keys it decodes the parables. One of the more intriguing is the Vatican Necropolis laying underneath Saint Peter's Basilica. They all think Im just an old man full of conspiracy theory who believes anything told. Billy Davis, a part-time Baptist pastor, operates a shoeshine stand with a frequent-shine program: unlimited shines for $100 a year. or is it too strange to think that way. The Spirit of God says, There is a dig, an archeological find that is coming in an underground vault, which will be so cataclysmic that it will ROCK the Christian world. Its ok Dennis, I get to read all the comments. Youre welcome! The Templars are no fun without the myth, but just keep the history and myth separately.. Thanks again! All that Templars & Jesuits have been about has been to create world government in opposition to Jesus Christ real justice of HIS Kingdom. We believe because of the research we do, not because we simply heard someone say it. Hi Diane! Hi Mitko! Thank you for being a strand of twine in that net which will bring a bountiful harvest to our Father in heaven. The Creator only speaks to you through your soul, higher self, or I call your sixth sense from with in. Joel 2: 1 Blow the Trumpet in Zion Sound the Alarm in My holy mountain. Thats what I say! Besides History books having to be rewritten so will the Bible. Thanks. You should pray andlook within yourself cause all answers lie there and this yndersyanding helps you in a sense graduate to the next.. its almost here. Our world is in a complete mess, worse than any of us had any idea about. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. Tunnels have many uses: for mining ores, for transportationincluding road vehicles, trains, subways, and canalsand for conducting water and sewage. 179. Secondly, he is quite a shady character. Good job on the math, agree. MURDER, MURDER, MURDER for centuries is the Jesuits in the name of their POWER & CONTROL, Not Jesus Kingdom. Thank you for mentioning the names of all these books Im sure they would help to create a full picture with all thats going on. Thanks for your comments! It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Mark Taylor told this prophecy on page 11 of 12 of Taylors 21 Prophecies. You cannot tell the people,you must show the people.We would not believe all the evil that is actually below us. Ah, love, let us be true But then again, thats how these people work, isnt it! It took me a long time to grasp hold of what they are referring to because I dont see that kind of thing in the Bible. It still boggles the mind to imagine how they could keep so much stored away, when just a little of it could relief so much suffering. Hi Tom! God doesnt lie. I had doubts of Charlie as well. Trump & Alliance will never win over the people if not seen & nothing is seen. Oh I understand exactly where you are coming from. Who knows, maybe Im wrong but I dont believe it. I believe it explains your questions well. They will heal the mind. What I see is exactly what your replies are, we are on the same page, the page of truth. https://earthquaketrack.com/quakes/2020-05-01-11-01-39-utc-4-5-10 The Australian military recently discovered over 300,000 tortured children in underground Melbourne tunnels and it was estimated that in the next couple of weeks, over a million children would be brought out of a network that circled beneath Australia. Im with you Dorothy! #gold #ancientaliensThere was more gold than you can imagine found in the tunnel under the Vatican City.Running from Vatican City, and deep underground, there is a tunnel that runs almost in a direct line to Jerusalem.The actual direct flight distance is 1,432.90 miles (2,306.03 kms).The length of the tunnel was given as approximately 1,500 miles, so it cuts through underneath both land and water.Source: https://marilynjwilliams.com/more-gold-than-you-can-imagine-found-in-the-tunnel/#:~:text=Running%20from%20Vatican%20City%2C%20and,underneath%20both%20land%20and%20water.Please support our channel: https://www.facebook.com/donate/1418750688315793/1418750728315789/Please subscribe: https://rumble.com/register/Ufomania/ufomania-merch: https://teespring.com/ufomania-merch#pid=2\u0026cid=2397\u0026sid=frontFollow us on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/davidufomania/Follow us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100011047567870Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/maniaUFO They very conceited in thinking they couldnt be stopped so it was bragging rights in keeping such logs. It looks like we are walking along the same path. The amount of gold is absolutely huge and far more than anyone ever imagined. It will carry millions of tonnes of crap that would otherwise have been dumped into the River Lee.

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