Eternity is too short to praise and magnify Your glorious name for all Your goodness and love towards me, and to all who are called by Your name, for in You is the fullness of joy. Give these a try: Hi, I'm Jennifer, and I couldn't be happier to have you visiting me at A Divine Encounter. On your special birthday celebration today, may you keep aging with such grace. It is a simple glance directed to Heaven. It feels countercultural to feel joy when life is tough, but thats exactly what You call us to. What a friend we have in Jesus, what joy to know His companionship throughout our earthly life, all praise to His name. But when times are hard and we are truly being tested, happiness scurries away. Show me how to live a life that allows my joy and faith in You to shine. I know what it is to be in need, he said, and I know what it is to have plenty. Break down the walls of separation that we have built to keep you from our hardened hearts. The joy of the Lord is my strength. Prayer of Joy and Adoration Dear God, as we light this candle, we rejoice in the birth of your Son. Loving Lord, I know that in Your presence is the fullness of joy and at Your right hand are joys for ever more. Some days, I dont see the point of it all. Hear our prayers, Lord, for all those who grieve. Joy in itself is a blessing that we get to experience, and one that we can ask God to expand in us through prayer. Let your love fill us. Jesus Christ, the head of the Church, precedes us into the Father's glorious kingdom so that we, the members of his Body, may live in the hope of one day being with him forever. Keep us all with our hearts fixed on You and instil in our hearts a joyful disposition so that we may bring comfort and cheer to those around us, and be salt and light to those that are facing troubles or difficulties. Hello, Horace! This I ask in Jesus' name,Amen. Thank You that in Your presence is the fullness of joy, for You alone are my abiding hope and in Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. - Monday - Cleanses Temple/Weeps over Jerusalem (Matthew 21:13) The beauty of nature and marvel of the changing seasons. In myself, I cannot boast, and my sinfulness has humbled me many times. This is where our true hope shines through. Tim Hughes and a theologian friend were lamenting the fact there weren't enough contemporary worship songs about the resurrection. "Come all the faithful, let us worshipfor through the Cross, joy has come to all the world. Thank You for Jesus, and the joy and peace that floods the hearts of all who have believed in Him, the rock of their Salvation. Show me how to find joy in a world where many are against Christianity. My lips will shout for joy,when I sing praises to You;my soul also, which You have redeemed.And my tongue will talk of Your righteous help all the day long,for they have been put to shame and disappointedwho sought to do me hurt. Remind us to wait patiently, and find peace in your plan. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In good times and bad, His character and His provision for me mean I can have joy no matter my circumstances. In Your name alone, Amen., O Lord, you are my hope when times are rough. The uniqueness in all of us and the diversity in the daily horizon. Please help me to consider it a joy when I face trials. May my mind fill up with the joy of Heaven and let laughter continuously spring from my mouth. I have struggled with my own kind of hopelessness and joylessness. And hear our prayers for Your churchthat we might have eyes to see those no-one else sees, hands to reach out, ears to listen, voices to speak encouragement, and feet to go anywhere and everywhere to share the Good News of your love. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance. Most Holy God, We are a people who need you in your fullness. Often, we think that Biblical joy should feellike happiness. Whatever is happening and wherever I am, I want to be completely satisfied and fulfilled, so Im not constantly yearning for more or something different. I pray that you bring me the peace and joy that I seek in life. Thank you for moments of great joy and laughter, for those moments that just make us smile; and we thank you for turning even our darkest moments to your good purposes. In the darkness I'll dance. Help me to discover the joy in each day and the beauty of your creation. Lord, we know that only in Him is true peace and lasting joy to be found, and as we sing the Christmas carols and choruses this Christmas season, we pray that true joy would come into the world, and that many would find their peace. O Heavenly Father, I pray that you cheer up and refresh my spirit. Related: 50 Religious Christmas Quotes 2. 10. If our hope is found in pleasurable circumstances, well find ourselves feeling hopeless and miserable. Loving Father, thank You for the joy and peace that reigns in our hearts as we rest and abide in the Lord Jesus Christ. When I am down or depressed, please remind me of all of the many reasons why I should be thankful and guide my spirit toward your happiness., May flowers always line your path and sunshine light your day. Prayer for Joy and Faith Lord of Mercy and Love, remind me not to let my joy fade as I look out at the increasing problems around me. In your mercy, I can rejoice in everlasting happiness and joy. You are the God of joy. Fill me with your joy and take away this sadness. In this post, we share with you 17 uplifting prayers for happiness from different websites. God, Who left for us a memorial of Your Passion in this miraculous sacrament, Grant we implore You, that we may venerate the holy mystery of Your Body and Blood, so that we may ever experience in ourselves the fruitfulness of Your redemption. We turn to you this season and pray that you would birth joy and healing, blessing and hope in us. Jamila Minnicks's heartfelt and riveting debut is both a celebration of Black joy and a timely examination of the opposing viewpoints that attended desegregation in America. Just as You refresh my heart, lead me to refresh the hearts of Your people. I loved sharing them with all of my friends and also on Pinterest and Twitter. Loving Father, we thank You for this time together. - Oxford Prayer Book. Help me to see past the opposing views and disagreements of everyone around me and settle my anxieties. Pope Francis has written a short note to the faithful for the month of May 2020, offering the text of two . Increase our love for one another and for You. . Theres the joy and wonder of the living miracle of birth. Come with truth to put an end to lies. Let me be a branch on Your vine, that I might bring forth fruit in the joy of Your Spirit. Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for joy unending that comes fromlingering long in Your presence and then remembering Your presence all day long. I pray that you will guide me in all ways and help me to make the best of the situation. Prayer for Joy and Happiness Compassionate and Gracious God, I yearn for happiness to take over my emotions and joy to lead my path. The world around us and our day-to-day circumstances can strip us of living in the light of joy. But Lord, I ask this not only for myself but for all those that I love and for all my brothers and sisters in Christ, many of whom are facing various difficulties and escalating dangers in these increasingly problematic times. We become strong enough to grip joy as our personal relationship with Christ strengthens. Happy Day by Tim Hughes. Transform our lives by your grace, and as you have called us to your service, make us worthy of our . Loving Lord, how grateful we are for the many joys in life that You in Your grace have bestowed on us in such abundance. Let me always find reason to rejoice, because You have been faithful to me. ( Where do we find the strength to rejoice in the middle of trials, frustrations, and heartbreak sickness, death, and despair loneliness, fatigue, and unfairness? Amen., Lord, I ask that you lead me to peace and happiness. When you have an excellent relationship with such important matters, you feel a lot better about yourself and your everyday dealings. Lead me away from dishonesty and deceit toward eternal truth. My negative thoughts and gloomy moods have gotten the best of me, and I am longing for joy once again. In your love, I can rejoice in everlasting happiness and joy. We pray that You would sustain them with Your sufficient strength and pour into their hearts the joy that only comes from You. Your wealth and miracles will arrive this month, and your peace and joy shall be permanent. And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. You will increase my greatnessand comfort me again.I will also praise You with the harpfor Your faithfulness, O my God;I will sing praises to You with the lyre,O Holy One of Israel. For those who feel alonewe ask you to be their strength, and to give them loving friends to encourage them. Only You can fill the void in our hearts. We pray for newly married couples and for every married couple here, that you provide gracefor hard times that will come; mutual forgiveness, understanding, patience, and the willingness to change ourselves and not our partners as we grow and mature in our love. celebration. So fill my heart with Your abiding joy so that I may rejoice in lifes circumstances, in periods of plenty and during those seasons when I have very little, in times of hardship as well as those times of great sufficiency. Happy 70th birthday, my beautiful grandma. Darling, on your Big Day, I pray that our heavenly Father bless you with good heath, long life and great prosperity in all spheres of your beautiful life. It is hard to feel joy in the midst of this trial. The intimidating display came as calls grow . Whenever it feels like I have no reason to feel joy, please remind me of the joy that is found in You and Your wonderful works. Prayer for Joy and Peace Father of Mercies, please, Lord, I long for joy in my heart and peace in my soul. I pray that my soul will rejoice in You. Pray for the salvation of 3 lost people who are yet to be found by grace. We in gratitude unite all of our hearts to reflect on where you have bought us from. Our heavenly Father, your love upon us is what has granted us the blessing to see this day. Lead me from fear of death to eternal life. As from today, you will rise above limitations and you shall testify to God's goodness in all that concerns you. Help me to rely on You, and abide in Your joy throughout my trials. Celebration makes something known! This is our hearts prayeroffered in the name of Jesus the Christ. The Prayer Pocket is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Source: I pray that I may learn to fully abide in You and You in me so that Your joy may be in me. Through you, I no longer feel sorrow or grief. And may happiness fill your heart each day your whole life through.. Father, You command us to be joyful always, but You do not expect us to be able to figure out how to attain or retain that joy ourselves. The author's desire is to share the prayer with other Christian parents to enjoy with their children. Let our longing for you be met on a coming holy night. He teaches me to give with cheer At Christmas and throughout the year. It is not always easy to find joy in the middle of the chaos and difficulty that life brings us, and we need to often be intentional in our thoughts are prayer to bring and keep joy in our lives. The heavy burden weighs down my heart, and sometimes I doubt if at all I can bear it. Please draw myheart ever closer to Yours, that You would be the first One I run towhen my cup runs over with good news and celebration. I ask these things in Your precious name. Christ made Paul strong. Carry me I pray in Your loving arms, and breathe into me Your Spirit of joy so that I may begin to rejoice in You once again. In Jesus' name,Amen. Lets get started praying the Scriptures for joy. Whether they abound or lack, their joy can be unflinching because it is rooted in the Rock of Ages. In Jesus awesome name, I pray. You have promised to draw near to each one of us, and be with us in every circumstance of life that may come our way. I place my anxieties and worries at your feet in the faith that you gave me each challenge so that I may win over and learn. Trusting that he will make all things right if I surrender to His will; that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him forever., O Father, please help me to find rest within your happiness. Hear my prayer, O Jesus. Use these prayers for joy to experience more of Gods hope, peace, and strength in the middle of whatever struggle you are facing. Today, I acknowledge that I am weak. Break my heart for what breaks Yours. Happiness abounds in my life and my heart, but I long for joy. May a rainbow run beside you in a sky that's always blue. Leader: "Joy to the World" Isaac Watts wrote in 1719. I suppose thats true in a sense, but over the course of my life, I see myself having a much harder time remembering God during seasons of joy than I doin seasons of difficulty. Traditional Irish Blessing May God give you: For every storm, a rainbow, Please do your own research before making any online purchase. You are welcome to donate a $15 spring plant in memory of a relative or friend or in thanksgiving for Father, I pray that Your love would fill their hearts, that Your peace would flood their inner being, and that they may overflow with Your joy and hope in believing, by the power of the Spirit, and to Your praise and glory. Whenever you feel like life is getting a bit too tough, seek help and peace from these prayers and acquire the happiness you deserve. Bless your name for giving us the victory and freedom over slavery. If You could fill my heart with joy again, I know gratitude would come easy. I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices in my God. "We Let You Go" by Ruth Burgess Burgess is the author of a book called Candles and Conifers. Advent Week 2 - Prayer for Peace. Because after all, You are the Giver of my cup and every single thing in it. . 1. Thank You, Lord, for the joy of companionship and thank You, that You have placed dear friends and Christian companions in each of our lives. We ask that as You send us out from this place, we have a joyful expectation of what You are going to accomplish in each of our lives, and ask that You would remain close to each one in the days that lie ahead. He teaches me to be my best By helping sailors in distress. AMEN. It is not always all smiles and sunshine for me. Thank You for Your abiding love. Your righteousness, O God,reaches the high heavens.You who have done great things,O God, who is like You?You who have made me see many troubles and calamitieswill revive me again;from the depths of the earthYou will bring me up again. One of the best gifts I pray for is to age gracefully like you, Grandma. For our country, in need of a revival of compassion and grace, of generosity and peace, and of hearts after your own heart, we pray for such to happen. Pope Francis is encouraging the faithful to rediscover the "family" aspect of the Rosary. I will say it again: Rejoice! In Jesus' name,Amen. We also havea podcast! Amen Embrace the New Dear God, I believe that nothing is. The Catholic Church has designated the four weeks preceding Christmas as Advent, a time to prepare the way of the Lord for His coming as our King and Savior. Meg writes about everyday life within the love of Christ on her blog, Father, You command us to be. 7 Holy Week Prayers to Focus Your Heart on the Passion of A Prayer for the One with Big Feelings - Your Daily Prayer - March 3, A Prayer to Step Out of Atrophy - Your Daily Prayer - March 2, A Prayer to Walk in Obedience - Your Daily Prayer - March 1, A Prayer for the Grieving - Your Daily Prayer - February 28, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Thank you for surrounding me with wonderful friends, family members, and neighbors. For when I am weak, then I am strong.. A Prayer For Psalm 28:7 Download high quality royalty free Joy Of God clip art graphics. Help us to rest in Your arms. Lord of Hope and God of all thats newFather, Son and Holy Spirit: Were filled with wonder, gratitude, and joy inspired by the gifts of new life You freely give us. Mahashivratri is celebrated with great fervor and devotion throughout India and in Hindu communities around the world. I will be joyful in God my Savior.. May God bless you with discomfort at easy answers, half-truths, and superficial relationships, so that you will live deep within your heart. Bring to silence those who condemn us for our sins, and turn our eyes upon Your holy cross. Always be joyful, reads the New Living Translation. I will place my anxieties at your feet in the knowledge that you gave me each struggle so that I may triumph and learn. In His name we pray,Amen. Now that you've prayed, are you in need of someone to pray for YOU? The wicked prosper, and the righteous suffer. Lead us in joy and celebration of the only reality worth knowing, that you love us as we are. However, even though always encompasses happy times and feelings of bliss, true Christian joy can endure through extreme hardship and pain. No membership required. Happy birthday to you. Maybe youll lift them as prayers of joy from a full heart. Amen. The festivity concludes after a continuous celebration of more than a week by submerging the statue in rivers. I have purchased fine things and traveled to far-away places. In Jesus holy name, I pray. My love, on this special day of yours, it is my prayer that you will be the happiest person ever to live on this planet. We are grateful to celebrate this day marking 80 years of life on earth. For a world that desperately needs the Gospel of Your Son, Jesus, we pray for those who bear the name Christian in places where its dangerous to do so, and for those they serve. We often refer to happiness as an emotion that we feel during good times. Lord, I pray that I may draw from Your living wells of salvation day by day, and that my joy may be full to overflowing in Jesus, just as You have promised to all that Your children. Prayer for Joy in My Life Loving God, thank You for the blessings You've bestowed upon me. Prayers of the People/Intercession on Joy Loving Godwho's with us always and everywhere; who knows all our hurts and sorrows, our joys and celebrations and goes through them with us: Thank you for the hope we have in younothing is impossible for you. Or rather, Who your source of joy is. You can find out more by clicking the link below! May songbirds serenade you every step along the way. "Prayer is an aspiration of the heart. Prayer for Happiness in Every Moment of Life, 15. Amen. We celebrate their humility and commitment to You. Liberating God, we offer a prayer of thanksgiving and praise for your hearing the cries of the oppressed. Happy new month. Thank You for the joy of the Lord, which is my strength and stay. Amen. Show more Show more It was a starry night Loaf 169K views 6 years ago Come and Join the. In the blink of an eye things can change. When things are going well, its easy to forget that my true source of joy isnt dependent on what is happening around me. Thank You that the joy of the Lord is my strength, and I pray that my work colleagues and all with whom I come in contact may see the love of Jesus flowing through me and desire to have the joy that of knowing Him as Saviour brings, so that they too may be drawn into saving faith in Him. Help me to find happiness in small things. (Psalm 71:19-24). In addition, the Church teaches that: [w]hen the Church celebrates the liturgy of Advent each year, she makes present this ancient expectancy of the Messiah, for by sharing in . When I am stressed or anxious, bring me strength and peace. For His anger is but for a moment,and His favor is for a lifetime.Weeping may tarry for the night,but joy comes with the morning. And we still celebrate You as Lordthis Christmas and always. On your special day, I wish you many more years of graceful aging in peace, good health and prosperity. Amen., Holy Lord, I want so bad to be happy. Prayers provide peace of mind, and a peaceful mind means a happy life. A Prayer For Psalm 16:11 Lord, thank you that living with you and in your ways is not a burden but a gift. In Jesus name, I pray. Father, It is hard to feel joy in the midst of this trial. Prayer for Joy and Trust Name above all Names, please allow my eyes to see the way You do. Amazing grace! When we walk in faith with Christ daily, we can begin to understand what Paul is talking about, and to recognize trials as growing pains. Article Images Copyright , A Prayer for the Strength We Need to Be Joyful - Your Daily Prayer - August 14. During the modern Christmas holiday, there are many worldly distractions from the original meaning and reason for celebration: the birth of Jesus Christ. There is nothing in my cup, and life feels so empty. May a rainbow run beside you in a sky that's always blue. This is my wish, my hope, and my prayer: May we never take for granted our time here on earth, and this time that we have together. I pray for strength, both physically and mentally, to find the joy that will make my smile shine and keep my spirit from growing weary. You are a better friend to me than I am to myself. Make this day a wonder and I will marvel as my faith grows. In Jesus' name I pray,Amen. Gladden my heart and mind so that I may sing your glory. Prayer for Joy and Gratitude Precious Holy Spirit, Youve blessed me with so much, and I love You like no other. Daily renew in us the sense of joy, and let the eternal spirit of the Father dwell in our souls and bodies, filling every corner of our hearts with light and grace; so that, bearing about with us the infection of good courage, we may be diffusers of life, and may meet all ills and cross accidents with gallant and high-hearted happiness, giving thee thanks always for all things., Source: Robert Louis Stevenson (1850 1894), Dear God, how I long for the joy of Your Spirit. In Jesus' name,Amen. Be full of joy all of the time,the New Life Version translates. A Prayer for Joy When You're Stressed Out Jesus, I'm overwhelmed by stress right now. Call to Worship Lighting the Advent Wreath: Joy. A Prayer for Joy and Strength Father, Praise You for these lessons on strength and joy, and for Paul's faithful life witness left behind for us to learn from. Every thirst in my life that has almost rendered me irrelevant, quench it. Come, Lordand come soon. Thank you, Father, for your immeasurable gift. 2023 Oldtown Publishing LLC 479 State Route 17 N I hope all is well with you and family. - Watch it on YouTube HERE. For when I am weak, then I am strong.. In the shadows I'll sing. There are things I am completely unaware of, that You have protected me from and rescued me out of. Trading My Sorrows by Darrell Evans (This one was a direct answer to a prayer and how I began speaking at/holding retreats. Psalm 118:24 creation life Though the fig tree does not bud Please give me the peace that only you can give - the peace you mention in John 14:27: "Peace I leave with. Praise expresses approval. A God becomes Child to save the children . When I encounter heavy burdens, you lift me up and give me a reason to hope for the future. Amen.. Even when I am beset by troubles and despair, guide me toward your light and be my refuge. "Repeat the Sounding joy" J esus O ur Y es to affirming life is good! When we face trials that are beyond our understanding, help us to find peace. For the Human Family 4. Cartoon Muslim Kids Prayer In Mecca. In Your dear Sons name, Amen., There are times, O Lord when I feel a deep sense of unrest. Lord, I give all my worries and cares to you. As we enter this Juneteenth holiday celebration let us remember all of our ancestors . In Jesus ' Name, Amen. As I go through each day, help me to touch each soul I encounter, and be thankful for every person in my life. We rejoice for their life, we rejoice because of their impact on community. Teach me how to see a happy life in all of its infinite varieties. Dear Lord when I suffer despair and lack of confidence, lead me to hope, faith, and trust. You can learn more about me here. We pray that He would fill our hearts with love and joy, and keep us rejoicing in the Lord and in the power of His might, so that we may be strengthened in the inner man, equipped to do Your service. - James 1:2-3. I especially pray that You would help me to be a joy to fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. 5 minutes each morning. Dear Heavenly Father, I know that in You is joy everlasting and eternal hope and I have all that I need in You, but Lord I feel so empty of joy. I pray that Your joy and laughter may flow through me to others who are facing similar difficulties and hardships, and that together we may maintain an ever deepening trust in You, as we look for Your any day return to take us to be with Yourself. Purify my heart and mind so that I may be at one with you. I'm passionate about encountering Jesus and encouraging others to do the same. You alone, my Lord, are where I find peace. Prayer for Mission #1 - (To Saint Eugene de Mazenod.) But I pray that You would grow me in humility, meekness, and grant me a contrite heart. Amen. Silhouette Of Woman Pray. 7. Through tender love poems, righteous prayers, and vital provocations, we see the colonizers we carry within ourselves being laid to rest. could thou and I with Fate conspire . But joy and happiness are two very different things. Keep me looking to Jesus and away from the enticements of this world, and may Your joy and peace flood my inner being, knowing that the joy of the Lord is my health and strength. Loving Lord, as the world situation seems to get worse by the day I cling to You more closely than ever before and thank You that You are in control of my life, and that nothing can separate me from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus my Lord. Instil in our hearts the hope of our salvation, and surround each one of us with Your love and joy. Each day its like the heat is being turned up and all I hope in and trust in is being tested. This post may contain affiliate links to products I love. Amen. 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prayers of joy and celebration